63. Mixed Doubles

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Alexander Zverev:

During a charity mixed doubles, Alexander would always find a way to keep things entertaining on court for the fans. Though, with you as his partner, there was only one way he could think of to get a laugh and to get your attention away from the seriousness of a game. When he would serve, instead of hitting an overhead, he would lightly tap it towards you, letting it bounce and hit you in the back whilst you were in the ready position. it would always be as soft as he possibly could, not wanting to hurt you, though still wanting to get a reaction from the crowd. He always would get a cheer and laugh from it, though you would just turn around and stick your tongue out at him, trying to hide your smile from his childishness.

Alex de Minaur:

The best part of the Australian Open, was the Australian crowd getting behind you in mixed doubles, due to their love for Alex. The two of you would always get the crowd pumped, and they pumped you up just as much. They would make you feel right at home, and loved you just as much as they loved Alex. That support would even run over to your singles matches, being as they remembered you from when you would play with Alex. It was great to have a doubles partner who never gave up on you and supported you through everything, even when they were having a bad day.

Benoit Paire:

One video of your mixed doubles match that went viral, was when you were serving and Benoit was at the net, and you accidentally hit him in the back. You immediately ran up to him, apologising as he dropped to the floor, clutching his back. Though he was in a lot of pain and you weren't sure of how badly he was injured, both of you and your opponents on the other side of the court, all couldn't help but laugh. It was probably due to the fact Benoit was wriggling excessively on the ground and laughing whilst he did. At least you could both look back and joke about it, but it was something that he never let you live down.

Borna Coric:

Borna would always know that the two of you were playing mixed doubles together, no matter the grand slam. He would already talking to you about plays and opponents, without even mentioning the fact that you weren't sure if you were going to play together or not. You just loved playing mixed doubles together, and wanted to play together every time. It was very rare for Borna to pull out of mixed doubles for a big or important singles match, though when he did, he would be very disappointed. Because nothing was better than playing doubles with his best friend.

Casper Ruud:

You and Casper would only ever play mixed doubles for fun. Sure, you would take it seriously during the points and do your best to win, but you would both constantly have smiles on your faces and would laugh and chat together like you always did. It was a wonder that the two of you would win matches, considering you barely would talk strategy and just used hand-signals every now and again. Though, you felt that through taking it easy, you both didn't feel any pressure because you were having fun and enjoying your time with your best friend.

Denis Shapovalov:

When you and Denis would play doubles together, it would almost look effortless. There was no particular tactics that the two of you would have, you would just find a way to win nearly every point. It was quite difficult to play against the two of you, considering there were no patterns or strategies to follow. However, it did make things really fun and enjoyable for when your opponents would come up against you. They just always happened to lose whenever they would play against you and Denis though.

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