38. You Distract Him

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Alexander Zverev:

Alexander may have been busy doing something, however, whenever you think he's not watching, he always decides to. You'll be doing something silly like trying to toss grapes into the air and catch them in your mouth, though most of the time you would fail miserably. When you thought he was busy, you started tossing the grapes into the air, but that immediately seemed more interesting to him rather than what was occupying his time. It didn't take long for him to join in, completely distracted from what he was supposed to be doing in the first place.

Alex de Minaur:

When Alex is focussed on something, he would often ignore you completely because he is so in the zone. So in order for you to get his attention while he's locked away in his room, you would just text him to come hang out with you. With enough messages, he would make an appearance, knowing that you just miss him and want to hang out with him. Sometimes the two of you would be in the same room whenever you would send him the text, and he would just laugh to himself before sitting beside you to plan what you were going to do during his now free time.

Benoit Paire:

Whilst Benoit walked around the house, focussed on fixing something or completing a task, he would often just see you randomly lying down on the floor. The first few times you did it, he would worry and think that something happened to you, but in actual fact, you were just hoping to trip him up as he walked past, thinking it was the only way to get him to notice you. Nowadays, he would completely forget about the thing he was doing whenever he saw you on the ground, immediately turning all of his attention towards you instead.

Borna Coric:

You would be constantly talking to Borna, purposely trying to annoy him and grab his attention. Whether it be random noises, giving him a play-by-play of your day, or talk about something that's been annoying you - anything to get his attention towards you. Eventually, he would give in and contribute to the conversation you were having with yourself, however, not entirely pleased that he was dragged away from what he was busy with. Although, he would always end up feeling better after a nice long talk and cuddle with his special someone.

Casper Ruud:

To distract Casper, all you had to do was shower him in kisses. It was definitely hard to concentrate when he had his significant other climbing all over him and leaving kisses all over his face. He couldn't help but laugh and attempt to push you off, only to fail miserably. Eventually, he gave in, giving you his full attention and completely forgetting about what he was even doing in the first place.

Denis Shapovalov:

It didn't take long for you to distract Denis whenever you did. All it took was a loss of a few articles of clothing and walking around the house like nothing had happened, waiting for Denis to look your way. He almost immediately would take note of your swimwear or lack of top, unable to look away afterwards. Eventually, you would just call him out for it and tease him for being so easily distracted. He would disagree, saying that he wasn't even looking in the first place, but you both knew what actually happened.

Diego Schwartzman:

When Diego sees you or hears you talking about another person, he immediately perks up. Whether it be a friend, and he wants to join in on the conversation, or if it was someone you could possibly have a romantic interest in and he would get immediately jealous. Sometimes it was just a family member and he would want to say hello. It was very easy to drag him away from whatever he was busy with, all you had to do was text and friend and tell him about it and he would be sitting right next to you, talking to the friend alongside you.

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