6. How He Is After Your Break Up

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QOTP (Question of the Preference) - How long have you been following the tennis for?

AOTP - Since the beginning of 2017. I got tickets to the Brisbane International and fell in love with Milos Raonic ahaha. Then I looked up all the players and immediately starting checking scores every day and watching as often as I could!

Let me know your answer in the comments :)

Alexander Zverev:

Alexander will avoid you as much as possible after you break up. Both being on the tennis tour, it makes it difficult, although he seems to be quite successful at it. He would often see you around the grounds or in the player area, and when he did, he would quickly walk away to some place that he knew you wouldn't go, hoping you didn't see him. Your relationship was at a stage where it was extremely awkward, and very hard on him to see you. Eventually, you guys didn't have to run away from each other every time you saw one another, and instead could give a small smile and wave. But for now, Alexander was just waiting for his heart to stop hurting every time he saw you.

Alex de Minaur:

You and Alex would sometimes chat or see each other at tournaments, and when you did, he would be totally lost for words. He might be in a conversation with someone and see you walk past in the distance, and completely forget what he was talking about. Or other times you would come up to him and ask him how life is, and he would stumble for his words. It would often make things more awkward between the two of you, but you both did try to remain friends after what wasn't really a 'messy' break up.

Benoit Paire:

After finding out the two of you broke up, a lot of girls would come up to Benoit asking for his number, or approach him via social media to ask him if he was available to meet up sometime. Of course, he declined all offers and rejected all girls, being as he was hoping that eventually the two of you would get back together. He didn't want a rebound, or someone to get his mind off of you, all he wanted was you.

Borna Coric:

Some would say that Borna was coping particularly well with your break up, however whenever your name would come up in conversation, it was clear that he wasn't. If someone mentioned you, he would immediately switch off - not wanting to continue the conversation or ignoring the person completely for bringing you up. He hates how he does so well to try and forget about the hurt that he felt after your break up, and it all comes flooding back with one word - your name.

Casper Ruud:

It was clear that Casper was not dealing with your break up very well. He struggled to get out of bed, often sleeping in until late. It would take an hour for his coach and team to convince him to train or play a match, as he found no purpose in it anymore. Of course, you were unknowing of all of this as you were in your own home struggling to deal with the break up. However, it didn't take long for his family to contact you and beg you just to talk to him until he felt better, because the only person he wanted to talk to was you.

Denis Shapovalov:

Denis didn't believe that the reason for your break up was a justified one, therefore would constantly try to contact you and get back together with you in every way possible. He would text you, call you, and even approach you when he saw you at tournaments. Eventually, he go the message that you no longer wanted to be with him and that it was time for him to move on. He just wished that it didn't have to end, because what the two of you had was so good.

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