3. Camping Together

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QOTP (Question of the Preference) - What is your favourite tournament of the year?

AOTP - Wimbledon because everyone looks sooooo good in white

Let me know your answer in the comments :)

Alexander Zverev:

The two of you most enjoy the cold nights where you can sit by the fire together and tell scary stories alongside all of your friends. When it's a particularly haunting scary story, you shuffle as close as humanly possibly to Alexander as you can. He'll grip onto you tightly, an action that you think is a comforting and reassuring gesture, however it's also something he does due to the fact that he's a little spooked out as well.

Alex de Minaur:

You and Alex will spend hours upon hours at night just laying on the ground, looking at the stars and talking about anything and everything you can come up with. Sometimes you point out the weird and wacky shapes some of the stars are making, but most of the time you would have deep conversations about life and the people around you. It's always nice to know that no matter what, you will always have him, and he will always have you.

Benoit Paire:

Whilst the two of you are planning for the trip, Benoit will constantly come up with cute little scenarios and talk about how much fun the two of you are going to have whilst you're away. However, when it comes to the actual trip, Benoit will complain about every little thing in nature that disturbed him. He would say that it's too hot outside, or that he didnt want to get wet, or the bugs were bothering him. You couldn't help but laugh at how excited he was to begin with, and how quickly his attitude towards the trip would change.

Borna Coric:

No matter how many times you take Borna fishing when the two of you go camping, he cannot wrap his head around how it works or what to do. Usually, he'll throw the line in wrong, or start pulling the line back in only two seconds after he threw it in in the first place. It is entertaining to see how frustrated he gets when he hasn't caught anything, and it only gets annoying when he starts whining about how the two of you have been fishing for hours - even if it's only been ten minutes.

Casper Ruud:

Casper will always beg you to go swimming in the lake near your camping ground, and as much as you don't like doing it, you always do. it starts with him asking you just to go with him and keep him company, but by the time you get to the lake, he's already taken his shirt off and pushed you in before him. Although you always tell him that you don't like the lake, you always end up having a great time there anyways alongside your best friend.

Denis Shapovalov:

When you had mentioned that you had gone camping in the past a couple of times, Denis immediately tried to impress you by saying he's gone plenty of times before. So when the two of you finally decided to go camping together, he offered to pitch the tent whilst you unpacked the things. He was so certain that he knew how to do it, and thought it was only a small and easy task - however after you sat and watched him for half an hour trying to figure out how to connect two poles together, you realised the poor boy really needed a lot of help with the supposed small job. You happily taught him how to pitch the tent, whilst he was slightly embarrassed, taking on your experience and vowing to remember it for the camping trips to come.

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