7. High School AU

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QOTP (Question of the Preference) - Who are the two players you ship the most?

AOTP - Well it was Domi Thiem and Kiki Mladenovic but sadly they aren't together anymore :( Now I ship Matteo Berrettini and Ajla Tomljanovic.

Let me know your answer in the comments :)

Alexander Zverev:

Alexander was the guy everyone loved in school. Teachers thought he was so sweet, and there was not a single student that didn't like him. People tried to not like him, but his personality was so kind and friendly that they couldn't help it. He was the guy that when school captain and student council positions came around, thought that he didn't stand a chance when it came to the votes. Everyone would constantly tell him that he was going to win, but he didn't believe them for a single second - not until his name was called as the leader of the school on the day of it's announcement.

Alex de Minaur:

Alex was in your tech class, and was highly skilled when it came to computers and IT stuff. He was always walking around confidently, showing the rest of the class how to work things and constantly correct the teacher on their mistakes. Of course, you found this kind of frustrating, considering he assumed he was better than everyone because he was the best in your class. But he did know the most about IT, and hearing him speak confidently and seem like a know-it-all was a sacrifice you would have to make when you were stuck on a specific task in your assignments.

Benoit Paire:

Benoit was the guy who was always late to class, either on purpose or accidentally. Most of the time it was because of morning training sessions that ran late, and he couldn't get to homeroom on time. After being late for so many times, you would often see him serving detention after school. You'll be having your practice session on the school oval, going for a warm up jog before it started, and every time you passed the seating area of the oval, you would get a wave from the guy scraping gum off of the bottom of the bleachers.

Borna Coric:

Borna was the quiet guy in your advanced math class that would get everything correct, however was too afraid to actually voice his answers. You would often look off of his page and raise your hand, before answering, just to show him that he was correct. He would shyly turn away and say that he 'just got lucky', but you spent the entire year in class with him trying to convince him that he was a genius and that he didn't give himself enough credit for what he was capable of.

Casper Ruud:

Casper was the annoying kid that sat behind you in biology, whispering things in your ear to make you laugh, or throwing little bits of paper and pencils at you. The two of you were acquaintances, but over the year, he slowly started to get more and more annoying. Of course, he was only trying to get your attention, however it didn't stop him from pissing you off every time you had class together.

Denis Shapovalov:

In math, Denis never really had a clue as to what was going on in math. So when it came to pop quizzes and answering questions in class, he would often look off of your page, knowing he'd get the correct answer for it. Of course, it annoyed you considering he was getting credit for your hard work, but in the end it didn't really bother considering you had a massive crush on him and he always called you 'his lifesaver' whenever he did steal an answer from you.

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