32. Life as a Taylor Swift Song AU

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Alexander Zverev:

All Too Well – It was difficult to forget Alexander after the two of you broke up. You had made so many memories together, and so many of them were ingrained in your mind that every time you saw him on tour or on TV, you couldn't help but think back to all of those times you shared. The dates, the late-night talks... all things that you would never forget from your time together - something you were glad you would be stuck with for the rest of your life.

Alex de Minaur:

Blank Space – Alex had been told by a lot of your friends, families, and exes that he shouldn't date you. Considering your past experience with dating and his lack thereof, they thought he was less likely to get heartbroken if he just didn't go out with you. Of course, he didn't listen, knowing that he had to follow his heart and not what other people were telling him to do. And you knew that there was something different about him that was more special than what you had with any of the other people you had dated in the past.

Benoit Paire:

Come Back... Be Here – Long-distance relationships were hard, and it made it even more difficult considering that Benoit was a tennis player. There were no set times for when you could talk to each other, and most of his spare time he would be training, in a match, or sleeping. You just wished that whenever he visited, it could be for a lot longer than he plans. He dedicates as much time as he can to you, and flies to where you live as much as possible, but you both know it will never be enough until you can see each other every day.

Borna Coric:

If This Was a Movie - After you and Borna had called it quits, you had always hoped that he would still come back for you and try to fix the thing that tore you apart. You had always worried that if you were the one to reach out to him, he wouldn't return his feelings, so him showing up on your doorstep would prove that he truly wanted to make things work. Day after day, you would wait at home, especially the weeks he had tournaments off, just waiting for him to come back and say that he still wanted to be with you. Little did you know, was that he was waiting for you to visit him at a tournament, hoping you still wanted to make things work but scared that you didn't feel the same way that he did.

Casper Ruud:

Stay, Stay, Stay – You knew that Casper was the one, however, sometimes the arguments that the two of you would have would convince you otherwise. After a long-fought battle, usually, the two of you will spend the day apart and think about your relationship. That time thinking always ended in both of you realizing that you weren't going to let a petty argument come between you, and jeopardize what you had together.

Denis Shapovalov:

Enchanted – You met Denis at a party and immediately fell in love with him. You were standing in the corner of the room with your friends, fake laughing and smiling in a conversation you were stuck on the outside of. It wasn't until you met eyes with Denis and he walked over to save you from a chat you didn't want to be a part of, that you realized the party was worth going to. After a long and meaningful conversation with him and an exchange of phone numbers, you prayed that you would get to see him again some day because you loved the way you felt when you were around him.

Diego Schwartzman:

The Story of Us - There was a time in your relationship where you both believed that you were meant to be together. However, as time passed and the two of you drifted slowly away from each other, you found that maybe you couldn't get through every obstacle and challenge thrown towards you. The two of you talked less and spent less time together, proving that the distance was something that could possibly tear you apart. You knew that you would always love Diego, just maybe not in the way you started.

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