12. College/University AU

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QOTP (Question of the Preference) - Whose winning the Australian Open this year?

AOTP - Fingers crossed for Ash Barty and Roger Federer, but I reckon Djokovic and Serena Williams

Let me know your answer in the comments :)

Alexander Zverev:

You're sitting at your desk in your dorm, head in the books, trying so desperately hard to focus on the textbook in front of you. However, your best friend Sascha, lying on your bed, throwing scrunched up paper balls at your head was quite distracting.

"Sascha, if I fail this exam, I'm blaming you." You groan, spinning in your chair to face his smug look, face to face. You couldn't stay mad at his cute smile and messy hair, your serious expression turning to a smile. He had waited for hours on your bed, waiting for the two of you to go to brunch, which turned to a late lunch, to dinner. "Can we go now?" He pouted. Finally, you gave in, standing up from your seat for the first time since that morning. Sascha immediately jumped up, grabbing you by the hand and dragging you out the door, complaining the entire way to the closest restaurant about how you had just attempted to starve him.

Alex De Minaur:

Every single person had scurried past you as you extended a flier supporting your cause towards them. They weren't the tiniest bit interested in a cause that you had been supporting for so many years now, which hurt you - a lot. You thought about giving up many times, turning the fliers into posters and sticking them up around campus. That was until one passing person took the paper that you handed to him. Slightly shocked that this stranger had stopped to listen to you cause, you continued to advocate it towards him. He listened intently, watching you, mesmerized by how passionate you were for what you talked about. It wasn't before long the subject of your conversation had gone off-topic and he had walked away with your flier, and you walked away with his name and number: Alex.

Benoit Paire:

You were at a college party, sipping from your cup filled with punch and dancing alongside your friends. As you took a break and sat on a barstool away from the dance floor, some guy you had never seen before came up to you, trying to flirt with you and being real pervy about it. Benoit, spotting this right away, marched over and told the guy to leave you around. It took a couple of shoves and a few insults, but he did end up saving you from the creep. You thanked him and he walked away with a nod and a grin - knowing it wasn't the right time to ask for your number just yet.

Borna Coric:

You had always sat on the edge of the lecture theatre since you started taking this particular class, listening in, but there was always one distraction in the middle of the row behind you that you couldn't seem to shake from the corner of your eye. You had always felt this guy was looking in your direction and considering you were on the outside of the row, he was not watching the lecturer. You would always look back to see his face, making brief eye contact as you turned back towards the front, feeling your neck getting hot over the fact he had caught you looking again. It wasn't until a couple a days later that he finally dared to come up to you and talk to you, rather than staring at you through the lectures he should be listening in.

Casper Ruud:

You were studying in your dorm, the same night as your friends had left to go to the biggest party on campus at the time. You were hoping to have a quiet night in, without any distractions. Things seemed to have been heading that way until a massive thud and groan sounded from just outside your door. When you poked your head outside, you saw a drowsy, alcohol reeking figure slumped against the wall of your dorm. You recognized him as Casper, a guy in one of your classes, and he had made it to your room, probably not knowing where he was. You took him into your room, giving him one of your handful of hangover cures you had already created for your friends. You then spent the night, consoling an emotional drunk, talking about his problems and giggling at the compliments he made towards you. You may have lost a couple of hours of study time, however, you did enjoy your night after all, just not in the way you thought you would.

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