Chapter 18 Mission 11: The First Model W Earth Fragment.

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James took a look at his surroundings, "what flora and fauna here, it makes feel relaxed just seeing such greenery without the feeling of danger nearby." he mused and took a deep breath to enjoy the fresh air, "well, you are kinda right. but we still have an obligation you know." reminded Model F to James who just smiled in return.

"Eh. you're right. but let's also enjoy the scenery too." chuckled James dashing into the deeper parts of the jungle.

Opening Theme WILD FANG -short version- by Janne da Arc.

-30 minutes later.-

"What's this big ass columm? never seen this one before." wondered James upon finding a massive columm whose size he could not measure, James then soon wiped a dirty area of columm away and saw something on the metal surface: 'EURASIA SPACE COLONY' (for those that do not know: Eurasia is a space colony that appears in Megaman X5, Megaman X6 and is referenced in Megaman Zero 4, the space colony has a very important role in the plots of X5, X6 and Zero 4), "Eurasia? this is the space colony that crashed way 300 years ago! so this means...i'm in...AREA ZERO!!!" shouted James in joy at the last part of his sentence.

Insert BGM: Esperanto Mythos ver. (Area Zero Theme and Remasted Tracks Zero Mythos)

"It's so beautiful!!!" cried James in joy seeing the beautiful landscape and lush greenery, "too bad would have been more fun...with them..." James' mood then turned sour and bitter remembering his long deceased parents and older brother, "James...please remember we have a fragment to obtain." reminded Model X clearly distressed at James' mood, "yeah, i know that. it's just embittering that i can't enjoy such beauty without my family. sighed James who continued to walk, relying on his ability to sense Model W from afar.

-10 minutes after- -END BGM-

"A cavern? here, in Area Zero? i think this leads to the Model W fragment. well can't be dilly dallying here, so i better get a move on." grunted James entering the dark and slightly damp cave, adding to James' slight paranoia was the eerie sounds of the water drops and his footsteps making a small splashing noise, "tsk." James clicked his tongue in irritation as a bunch of Galleons and Pantheos surrounded him in a large part of the cave, "looks like...i'll be having a little stress relief..." snarked James before flashing a sickening grin with his teeth bared, showing his agression and sadism clear on his face, that he was going to have fun dismembering them.

Insert BGM: Crash I (Megaman Zero Boss Theme)

James leapt over a group of Galleons and slashed them into a crackling pile of scrap, "1 group down...10 more to go." grinned James sadistically as he wiped out another group using Bakuenjin, "hehehehehehehehehe! now i'm getting pumped!" laughed the Biomatch cleaving two hapless Pantheons in two while vivisecting a Galleon who tried to jump attack him from behind, A few Galleons fired at James who blocked the shots with the Shield Boomerang "now you're really asking for it!" and tossed the Shield Boomerang, bisecting the Galleons below the waist and exploded, "now...who's next?" asked James with a feral smile as he lunged at the remainder.

-5 minutes later...- -END BGM-

James took a deep breath and smiled in relief after slaughtering the rest of the Galleons and Pantheons "ahhh...that felt great." sighed James in contentment as he continued his walk and noticed a few mushrooms on the ground, "Shiitake mushrooms? here? well i better gather a few just in case." grunted the Biomatch who began to softly dig the edible mushrooms, "why the heck are you gathering mushrooms at this hour? you do realize there is a Model W fragment nearby right?" asked Model O irritated at James stopping to pick up mushrooms, James frowned at Model O's words "look...i need to gather edible food just in case i want to add more to the food i'm cooking, now if you mind i've got some shiitake to gather." and James continued to gather shiitake mushrooms as Model O grumbled in irritation, 'i don't undestand why the fuck he'd gather fresh mushrooms...he already brought food just in case he's hungry!' growled Model O internally.

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