Chapter 33: Murder in the Lunarian Capital (Flashback Chapter)

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author's note: to all of you who are reading this chapter, this is a flashback to the chapter where James murdered Chang'e offscreen, this chapter will show us how it happened. alright, let's get on with it.

-a few minutes into the forest-

James decided to sit down on a tree stump and began to think. "Something on your mind?" Model P asked a James made a wordless nod. "Does it have to do with something, like with Junko perhaps?" asked the Biometal of the Shadow as James nodded again. " horrible as it was...i won't deny it gave me a wake up call...i just have to make sure that i won't be tricked again. or i'll snap again..." mused James as he sighed and looked down at his feet.

The Biomatch began flashing back to the very day he murdered Chang'e which was half a day ago. (two and a half days in the real world, while two days in Gensokyo. yes, time moves slower in Gensokyo as it was established before in a previous chapter. *see Chapter 9*.) and he had five and a half days left to the deadline.

flashback start

James then found himself in a different area and checked his surroundings. "This must be the Lunarian homeworld...and it's on the moon to boot!" he breathed in shock. "James can you hear me?" asked Junko who's voice came from the amulet James was holding. "Loud and clear Miss Junko. So, where will i find that Chang'e fellow?" asked James a bit wary and knowing that the capital was packed with people. "Don't worry, the amulet will guide you to where she is. But the biggest concern is you getting spotted." Junko replied with worry in her voice.

James just smirked at Junko's response. "Heh. don't worry about. i'll just Megamerge in Model ZPX and it's all good to go." he bragged as he Megamerged instantly and quickly used a ninja art to generate a cloaking field around him. "Combined with the cloak i'm wearing and the fact that no one can hear my footsteps in this form, this will be a breeze!" cackled James quickly moving across the rooftops while using the amulet to guide him to where Chang'e was.

-some nerve wracking 30 minutes later-

James was able to avoid being detected by the Lunarians, if a bit narrowly to be precise, and that was putting it mildly. In fact, he made some unintentional blunders that alerted some to his spot, but was able to make distractions, though there were times it wasn't enough and needed outside distractions for him to keep going. "That...was close..." James muttered in relief. "I'll say! there were too many close calls and nearly getting caught!" said Model O agreeing with James' words. "Yeah...what i said was the understatement of the century..." added the Biomatch with a groan as he resumed moving.

-where Chang'e is.-

"so...that's Chang'e huh? she looks plain...she's use the amulet once i enter..." James whispered as he saw the woman enter her home. "I better switch to Model ZOX now. Megamerge...." whispered the Biomatch as he reverted to Model ZOX. "Let's go." growled Model O as James quietly entered the house to help Junko fulfil her revenge.

James quietly snuck inside and saw Chang'e from behind. "Are you Chang'e?" he asked in a soft yet malicious manner. "Who!? who are you? and where do you come from? it does not matter, i shall report you to the guards." said Chang'e facing James before turning her back as James ignited the ZX Saber in his right hand. "I'm here to kill you." said James plainly and simply as he activated the amulet's immortality negation magic which enveloped him in the magic that will allow him to kill the Lunarian woman. "What!?" asked Chang'e as James dashed towards her as she began throwing anything she could grab to distract James. "Useless. you're only delaying your demise..." James hissed as he effortlessly sliced anything Chang'e threw at him as she tripped in her panic but managed to get up.

Unfortunately for her, James used those moments of vunerability of the woman to stab her in the gut. "Foolish. by letting yourself trip, you only gave me enough time to stab you in th should have just crawled like the disgusting bug you are..." sneered James in a taunting mocking manner as pulled the ZX Saber away from Chang'e's gut as she tried to walk away despite the numbing pain and the fact she was temporalily rendered mortal no thanks to the amulet.

However, once Chang'e had her back exposed to James, the Biomatch wasted no time in impaling her from behind...and this time the ZX Saber was sticking out of her rapidly bleeding abdomen. "Die..." James leaned in and whispered in Chang'e's ear in a soft yet malice filled tone, "now Junko's revenge is complete..." he added as Chang'e's eyes went wide upon hearing Junko's name. 'Junko!? this her revenge?...why...?...i...didn'' thought Chang'e as she rapidly bled to death. 'Ah...that's' thought the Lunarian woman as she fell on her back and saw James' face. It was shadowed...his eyes were red circles while his mouth was a red jagged smile full of hateful glee as she bled out.

his eyes were red circles while his mouth was a red jagged smile full of hateful glee as she bled out

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(pictured: James' face as Chang'e bled out to death, as delirium can make you see weird trippy shit)

"Begone...woman who ruined Junko's life. may you never find peace in the nine gates of hell." hissed James hatefully as the light from Chang'e's eyes faded which signified her death. "I don't have to dispose of the body, i guess i'll let be this be a warning to the Lunarians that they better leave Gensokyo alone...or whatever Miss Junko told me..." added the Biomatch as he ran out of the house while leaving Chang'e's corpse in a pool of her blood.

It wouldn't be a few minutes that Houyi would return and find his wife's corpse and his subsequent death at James' hands. And unknowingly to killing Houyi, he fully avenged Junko and her son. But he wasn't happy about it.

flashback end

"*sigh* i better get a move on..." James sighed as he got and resumed walking in the forest. Suddenly an eerie scuttling sound was heard mixed with some metallic vibrations. "Hm? what was that? it didn't sound like anything like i heard before...kind of like...a scuttling sound...whatever it isn't good..." James murmured as he kept walking deeper into the forest.

Little did James was something...something that needed to be taken care of...and it was very, VERY soon...

Ending Theme: Naraku no Hana -TV size version- by Eiko Shimamiya

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Ending Theme: Naraku no Hana -TV size version- by Eiko Shimamiya

Author's notes: This is unique chapter that i made as it involves a flashback, specifically the murder of Chang'e at James' hands. Now there is a foreshadowing to something due to the strange scuttling sound James heard. What is it? for now we don't know...James has much more problems to deal with...but it won't be ignored for long. How will James will deal with the source of the sound at one point? find out in a later chapter down the storyline. alright then, see you all later.

Disclaimer: Rockman, Megaman and Megaman ZX are properties of Capcom and Inti-Creates and is licensed by Nintendo, please support the official release. Touhou is propety of Jun'ya Oota a.k.a. ZUN.

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