Chapter 2 Mission 1: Retrieve the Biometals! and get the f#£k out of there!

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Sakuya shook her fear aside "he just changed armor!? well even with armor you'll still fall!" and quickly threw a knife at the now transformed James.

*CRACK* James (as Model ZOX) grabbed the knife and crushed it with no injury, "that really your best attack?" snarled James, "pfft! no matter...i'll get the rest of the Biometals and get out of here!" and with that James shifted into a battle stance.

-Insert BGM: ZXA Tunes Grey Disk - Dance Macabre: Second Act -


"how did he-" Sakuya's words were cut-off when James fired a few shots from the ZX Buster, and quickly fired a charged shot.

"AGH!" cried Sakuya taking the hit from the charged shot, "what kind of attack was that!? that's not fair for sure!" shouted Meiling at an indifferent James, "pfft! when do you think fighting me was fair!?" James quickly changed the ZX Buster into...

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"AGH!" cried Sakuya taking the hit from the charged shot, "what kind of attack was that!? that's not fair for sure!" shouted Meiling at an indifferent James, "pfft! when do you think fighting me was fair!?" James quickly changed the ZX Buster into the ZX Saber, James quickly dashed into Meiling and gave a nasty 3-hit saber combo, "AUGH! what kind of sword is that!?" screeched Meiling in pain,"a sword that can cut you and your pride!" growled James who then dashed
towards Sakuya and did a spinning slash attack, "GYAAAHH!!" screamed Sakuya taking the multiple blows at once, "Sakuya!" cried Meiling in horror, James quickly saw Meiling's distracted state and began charging the ZX Saber, "oi! right here!" Meiling was about to act when James quickly dashed at her direction and quickly attacked her with the charged saber slash, "KYAAAA!!!" screamed Meiling taking the full brunt of the charged saber attack knocking her unconcious,

-End BGM-

"that settles to find the rest of the Biometals!" snarled a tired yet resolute James, "hold on. James you're tired from Megamerging and fighting those two...yet you still want to find the rest of the Biometals?" asked a concerned Model X, "yeah. i can't rest if i don't have the rest of the Biometals." replied a resolute James, "ok then i wont stop you...let's find the others!" declared Model X, "yeah!" shouted James, Model Z and Model O in unison,
a helpless Sakuya watched James run into the corridors, "damn you...if you think about hurting Mistress Flandre...i won't forgive you..." thought Sakuya before falling unconcious.

"now...where to look?" asked James looking around in a library they entered, "look there is a map detailing this mansion, it will help us find the other Biometals." replied Model Z, James picked up the map, "i hope the librarian does not mind..." thought James before walking out of the library, " i can feel the signature of the other Biometals!" James quickly dashed upon hearing Model X's words, "where are they then?" asked James looking at the map, "oh crap..." whispered a mortified Model O, "what Model O?" asked a confused James, "i can feel their signature...right down below the basement..." said a mortified Model O, "the basement says 'KEEP OUT!' but if the Biometals are there...then i'll have to take then even if it mean causing some damage!" growled a determined James who quickly ran into the directions where the basement was,

-3 and a half minutes later-

James stood in front of the basement door, "this must be it..." whispered James with a feeling of dread, "you ready James?" asked Model Z, "hmph! i always ready!" replied a confident James, "alright let's go!" growled Model O, James pushed the door, which suprisingly opened easily, "huh. that's odd...the room seems spacious..." James felt a presence from the very large room, "who's there!? show yourself!" yelled James quickly brandishing the ZX Buster, "teehee! wow! a new toy to play with!" James found his answer in the form of...a young girl...with wings!?

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