Chapter 35 Mission 22: Stop Centivourer!

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Warning: this will be a somewhat long chapter (in my own standards i guess.) so don't get bored reading it!

James entered the cave in a panicked manner and then saw some large tracks, which looked like an insect making some ground tracks. 'Oh no...of all the places...why did it have to end up here? damn you Model W!' he thought in horror and anger and he kept moving and continued seeing more of the insect-like tracks which looked like a cross between an earthworm, a millipede and a centipede! "I have to stop it...this is going to be my concern before the fragments!" growled James running deeper into the cave.

"James! what's gotten you so worked up!?" yelled Model L in worry and alarm. "Not now Model L! i need to check some more!" hissed James as he checked more and more of the tracks and audibly gulped. " really must have been here...that explains the digested animal carcasses along with some skeletons i saw when i entered the cave. there's no doubt...Centivourer is in this cave's deepest depths." growled James clearly nervous and shaking.

"James? what the heck is this Centivourer you speak of?" asked Model O as James took a deep breath and sighed. "This might be a long explanation, so bear with me okay?" said the Biomatch sitting down on a stool shaped rock.

"Centivourer is...a mechaniloid that was created several years ago when i was still in elementary. I didn't pay too much concern about it until i was in college. It was created for digging and excavation purposes including helping with landmass fixing...but...what made it scary is that it's control center." James explained while taking a shuddering breath. "control center? what happened to it?" asked Model X with curiousity. "It's control center was partially made of organic tissue combined with a computer. Eventually it's A.I. went berserk. killing several people during it's rampage...and due to it being semi developed a taste for meat and resulted in several hapless animals being devoured along the was eventually stopped...but the damage had been done." said James continuing his explanation.

"So that explains those digested animal carcasses along with some skeletons we saw...Centivourer did all that?" asked Model H in stunned horror. "Yeah, due to Centivourer's partially organic nature, it can create an acid strong enough to even dissolve rock, basically stomach acid and hydrochloric acid only much more potent. That's why i panicked...if Centivourer is here...then i have to take that abomination first." replied James looking unsettled. "Could it be...? who i think it is?" wondered Model X as James shrugged. "Who knows? but if it wasn't Yukari...then it probably was Model W...which i don't know how it can open portals...probably it could make something similar to my Cyberspace Portal due to it being the Original Biometal...but it's just a theory...we better start moving..." said James in a contemplative tone as he got up and resumed walking.

-deep within the cave-

"Alright, i've gotten deep's sensors will detect me in a matter minutes...and since there are tunnels big enough to fit it...i'll use those along with natural formations to gradually destroy it's armor layers." mused James walking towards a tunnel until someone piped in. "Excuse me, did i hear you right James? armor layers?" asked Model L utterly confused. "Oh right! that was something i forget to tell you guys. to ensure it wouldn't suffer any damage to it's organic components as well as it's control center, Centivourer was given 4 armor layers to protect it's inner shell. The 4 layers have different strengths, the first layer being the weakest and the fourth and final layer being the strongest. That's why i said i have to gradually destroy it's layers." James explained as he wordlessly Megamerged into Model ZFX. "This form can shoot out bombs and has enough firepower to damage the layers even faster if the stalagmites and stalactites don't do the job." added the Biomatch with a cocky smirk as he kept walking.

-approximately 3 minutes later-

James then surveryed the large innards of the cave as he focused his hearing on where Centivourer might be. "Now...where are you hiding eh?" he asked as he heard a faint metallic screech. "Bingo. i just need to make sure it's you..." hissed James as he quietly went to where the mechanical monstrosity is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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