Chapter 32: A word of warning from another crow

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-approximately 4 hours later-

Hatate's news spread like wildfire over Gensokyo, many that personally faced James became convinced that he was a massive threat and needed to be killed. However there were those who did not believe such news and knew the truth better than the false news Hatate spread and there were those that skeptical to such news.

"This is bad! i heard a lot of people are on the lookout for James! even the Hakurei Miko is the lookout for him!" said Sanae rushing to Kanako who was reading the news. "I have heard a lot of lows...but this...this is an all kind of low! Sanae! get Suwako, and let us pray for James' survival!" ordered Kanako as Sanae nodded and left to find the hat wearing goddess. "This entire situation has gotten a lot worse..." Kanako hissed knowing James was in even greater danger than he ever was.

Opening Theme: Naraku no Hana -TV size version- by Eiko Shimamiya

-Bunbunmaru Press-

"Shit! i can't believe Hatate would do this! all to get more subscribers than me!? I might be a paparazzi girl...but i've got standards! plus most this isn't accurate to what James told me! arghhh!" groaned Aya in dismay and anger. "What do we do then?" asked Nitori worried for her friend. "I'll talk to Miss Megumu, and i'll ask her to send a letter that i'll personally write for James. It's a letter of warning and concern for him..." Aya replied with a rather calm yet pissed off look and went to her to her room to write said letter.

-35 minutes later-

"Miss Megumu! i have a request!" gasped Aya running towards Megumu who was deep thought. "Oh, Aya. just the crow i needed to see." said Megumu getting up and holding a newspaper. "You too huh? listen i need you to deliver this letter to James. he needs to know what's going on! not to mentions areas that he has to avoid." asked Aya handing the letter she wrote for James. "Alright, i will deliver this letter to James, but i'll also bring an extra piece paper to make sure he also writes back to you to assure you he will be alright. And after this...i'll give Hatate a stern lecture about trying to slander a good man trying to save us." said Megumu while growling at the last part of her sentence. Aya gulped knowing her rival was going to be in lava hot water once Megumu scolds her.

-where James is-

"It's been a few hours...but why does this ill feeling isn't going away?" James questioned clearly feeling constant unease. "Whatever it isn't good..." commented Model L clearly worried as James looked at a clearing in the forest and for only a brief moment, he saw something move in scuttling manner like a centipede. 'Huh? what was that? were my eyes seeing things? what was it? i just hope it's not my barely restrained insanity playing tricks on me!' he thought in worry and alarm.

James then took a deep breath and let his senses relax. "............" he was deep in thought as he felt the windy breeze, the scent of the forest, and warmth of the sun cascading down his body, and oddly enough...his own heart beating. "The ill feeling is still there, but at least it's not bothersome anymore..." James muttered as he opened his eyes and heard a gentle flapping of wings.

" must be the guy Aya interviewed eh?" asked Megumu gently landing down to a surprised James. "And you are?" asked James a bit wary. "Don't be scared, i'm Aya's boss Megumu Iizunamaru, she told me to give you a letter." said Megumu introducing herself to James who relaxed. "Why would Aya give me a letter? must be important." he mused as he opened the envelope and saw a letter which surprised him and made him feel a lot more worried than before. 'Oh...crud...' thought Model O upon seeing the letter as James cleared his throat and began to read Aya's letter.

Dear James.

If you are reading this letter, i wrote this down to give you a huge warning: one of my fellow tengu named Hatate has somehow eavesdropped on me and Miss Megumu about you and misinterpreted it as you being a threat to us. Because of this, she has spread false news about you and all of Gensokyo is on high alert looking for you. However several youkai such as myself and Miss Megumu refuse to believe such false news and know you aren't a great destroyer but a saviour doing everything to save your world and our world as well. James, i listed down several areas that you must avoid for the time being.

1. Hakurei Shrine (but the Miko is reluctant and she wants to prove that you are a danger even though you aren't...

2. Myouren Temple (even though you won't go there for a good reason...)

3. The Human Village and it's outskirts (though i heard through gossip that Mokou is insistent on wanting to see you but Keine prevented her due to her injuries not fully healed)

4. The Scarlet Devil Mansion (Remillia is out for your blood, watch out!)

5. Yakumo Manor and surrounding areas

6. Areas far or near the Human Village like Marisa or Alice's homes

7. Hakugyokurou

There, all the areas i warned you not to visit have been listen down...James i pray that you will survive this fiasco...promise me you will come back from this alive? Promise me James...and everyone who believes in you...come back safely...

-Yours Truly. Aya Shameimaru

James sighed as he finished reading the letter. " i have to lay low for the time being eh?" he asked as Megumu gave a grim nod. "James, i also brought an extra piece of paper for you to write back to Aya. is that okay with you?" Megumu asked as she gave the blank piece of paper and a pen as James nodded and began writing on a flat rock.

-5 minutes and a half later-

"Miss Megumu? i'm done writing my letter, please tell Aya and those that believe in me...that i'll make it out alive." said James handing his finished letter to Megumu. "I will James, i will. Aya and those that believe in you will be relieved. I'll take my leave and good luck and godspeed to your mission. I'll pray for your good fortune and survival." Megumu replied as she took to the skies and flew away. "*sigh* now what?" asked Model L worriedly. "We're going to take some shortcuts." James replied simply as he quietly walked towards the forest.

"Welp, just gotta stay three steps ahead of and two steps behind them as well. Let's hit the cave in that forest." muttered James clearly troubled but trying to put a positive spin on it. "You do that, and we'll make sure you'll survive this bedlam you've gotten into." added Model H as James just chuckled. "You really do care, you tsundere." teased James as Model H began to sputter. "I-i-i-i a-a-a-am n-n-not a-a-a t-t-tsun-tsundere!" stammered the Biometal of the Wind as James just laughed. "Just keep on walking on ahead okay!? hmph!!" added Model H huffing in irritation as James just smiled.

'So me getting framed eh? nothing new, this happened twice to me on the delivery job. but why do i get the feeling that the cave in this forest is giving me the creeps? eh, whatever it is...i can handle it.' thought James unintentionally tempting fate yet again, but for was a positive kind of tempting.

James contined to walk, prepared to face what kind of horrors the cave he walking towards to. He won't give up. EVER.

Ending Theme: Never Run Away by Yuukou Kusonoki

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Ending Theme: Never Run Away by Yuukou Kusonoki

Author's notes: hoo's been a while since i last wrote for this fic, i hope y'all didn't mind. Now no thanks to Hatate's slander of James, he's forced to lay low for the time being...but that doesn't mean he's going to hide for a while! after all...he's got a deadline to finish and what's in the cave he's going to walk into? and what does it mean that for once...tempting fate was a good thing?'ll just have to find out in the next chapter. alright then, see you all later.

Disclaimer: Rockman, Megaman and Megaman ZX are properties of Capcom and Inti-Creates and is licensed by Nintendo, please support the official release. Touhou is propety of Jun'ya Oota a.k.a. ZUN.

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