Chapter 23 Mission 16: Deep within the Forest Cave.

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Deep within the cave, James activated his forehead crystal light, "Good thing i turned it on, otherwise it would have been a little too dark for my taste." he mused while looking at the damp sections of the cave, "A Little?" snarked Model Z which did not go unnoticed by James, "Hey! caves can be scary when it get's too dark okay!? besides...i can't be scared right now! we all have a fragment to snag!" yelled James indignantly much to Model Z's amusement. "Whatever dude..." chuckled the Biometal to James irritation as he ventured further down the cave.

Opening Theme: WILD FANG -short ver.- by Janne Da Arc.

James then looked at a section containing moss and some metal pieces next to it, "Don't tell me...some Pantheons got scrapped here too? by what?" wondered James who then saw a decapitated head of a Galleon, "Okay...that's weird. what could have torn those things apart?" now thought the very confused Megaman, "Probably a large mechaniloid or a Pseudoroid with a large claws." suggested Model L which made James uneasy. "That. or a snake based Mutos Reploid. there are some snake trails on the ground. and i don't think there is a snake large enough to tear those things to shreds." agreed James while making his own suggestion.

"Well we can't keep suggesting or theorizing. we better get a move on." interrupted Model Z impatiently, "okay okay. let's keep walking towards the end okay? happy now?" replied James sarcastically which made Model X stifle a laugh from James' sarcastic response. "Dude. he got you good!" laughed Model F as Model Z glared at him and James in silent fury, "Grr...let's just get a move shall we!?" yelled the indignant Biometal, "Aye aye sir!" laughed James resuming his walk to where the Model W fragment was while hearing Model Z's grumbling which amused the Megaman to no end.

-25 Minutes Later..-

" mook in sight...this is too disquieting..." hummed James slightly unnerved by the lack of enemies to attack, not that it mattered. "Probably caused by what you have theorized." added Model L which James nodded in agreement and continued walking...until a group of Phantheons along with some Galleons albeit in heavily damaged states. "Oh good, now i can remove that feeling of dread in my heart!" grinned James quickly using Hyogetsujin on the nearest Pantheon and used Tenkuuha on an unlucky Galleon, "gonna run!? fat chance! die!" growled James launching a Kougenji on a fleeing Pantheon bisecting it in half and used Shoenzan on a Galleon trying to attack from behind in a leaping attack.

James clicked his tongue in irritation as the numbers lessened to a measly 6, "it would be too boring to kill you all seperately...i'll scrap you all at once!" he growled as he used Hadangeki and wiping out the remainder, " that's out of the way...onwards to the fragment." sighed James looking at the scrap remains of the mooks and clicked his tongue once more, this time time out of disappointment.

-shortly after that...-

"*deep sigh* i feel like...something strange will happen you know?" sighed James while leaning on the cavern wall, "what do you mean by that?" asked Model L confused, "what i meant is...whenever i always nearing the location where the Model W fragments ade held...i always have this strange feeling that something awful might happen or far worse than that." explained James with a wistful look, "James. i know the past days have been unkind and horrible to you, but don't let your fear and anxiety get the better of you! and don't forget...we are all here for you!" soothed Model L reassuring James who smiled a bit, "thanks Model always flirt with me and tease me, but you really do care about me. don't you?" chuckled James as Model L giggled at his words, "I sure do! now let's get a move on!" giggled Model L as James resumed walking.

More snake tracks appeared as James continued to walk, "is it me...or is this getting more snake trailed?" he asked while pointing to some of the tracks and then shrugged, "i sure hope my suspicions are correct." added James with another shrug.

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