Chapter 9: Preparation.

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James had finally made his way to his apartment, "hey James! where were you?" asked an elderly man greeting James who was about to open his apartment door, "*sigh* i'm doing fine Mr. Kaminsky...sheesh!" groaned James in exasperation, "i was wondering why you didn't came after 12 hours?" asked Mr. Kaminsky making James pause at what he heard.

James had to clean his ears if he heard it right: he was gone for half a day?!, he was confused and stunned, "see you in a short while Mr. Kaminsky!" James quickly opened the door and closed it followed by locking it, James was breathing heavily from this revelation: he was gone for only half a day! and with this information he could find the Model W fragments in both the real world and Gensokyo and be on time to complete his job!


James's thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing, groaning in annoyance, "yes? who is this? oh sir!" James' tone quickly became polite hearing his boss on the line, "wait? i had some problems but i'm doing fine sir, huh? my three days extended to five days?! yes sir! i will not fail you sir! thank you sir! bye!" James placed the phone gasping for breath while unable to comprehend the news, his three days was extended to five days! now with this new knowledge he now had the time to prepare for the long days ahead to save humanity and Gensokyo from the threat of Model W.

"woohoo!" James screamed in joy, "alright time to buy some food!" and rushed out the door and locked before running again, "now where in the blue blazes is that kid goin'? youngsters these days..." wondered Mr. Kaminsky shaking his head in confusion.

James rushed outside to head to the convience store, along the way due to him running fast, he almost got run over by some cars, "watch where you going asshole!" yelled a driver, James flashed the middle finger while still running, "watch it idiot!" yelled another, "fuck you!" yelled James in anger, soon after James arrived at the convience store, "alright...what to buy? first i'm going to buy canned coffee and water and some juice, then i'll buy some meat, chicken as always...then some canned food, beans most likely and some energy drinks and lastly muffins." noted James as he quickly grabbed a basket.

-approximately 8 minutes-

James left the convience store carrying 2 bags of food "okay now that's settled, i better head back to my apartment to prepare," and walked toward to his apartment to begin preparing the plan.

Soon James finally entered his apartment and looked outside for a moment before going in and locking the door, "alright, first i'll pack the food in the portable compact box, and then i'll place some the drinks in the bag, four or three are perferred, second, head to Gensokyo." mused James as he began to pack, "hey James you nervous?" asked Model F to the Biomatch packing the rest. "yeah, but i know i'm going to stop Model W, so i'll replace my nervousness with my determination to save both worlds." replied James finishing with a smile, "good. we'll need you at your best. can't go chickening out!" joked Model F, James looked offended but broke into a grin "who said i was gonna chicken out? i might be new to this, but i'm not afraid at all!" and the two laughed their asses off.

"alright, now that everything is ready...i'll take a shower first." James then entered the bathroom and took a shower.

as James felt the warm water flowing down his thoughts were focused on the day he fell into Gensokyo, 'first i get a serious job objective and i fall into a land where humans like me live in, but creatures known as Youkai live as well, then i lose the Biometals when i fell into forest, then i enter a mansion followed by Model O to search for the rest, then i find Model Z and Model X and i get chased by a knife wielding maid and the gatekeeper, i almost get killed and i had to Megamerge with Model Z, Model X and Model O to give me a fighting chance, soon i wiped the floor with the two, stole a map to locate where the rest was, found out the other Biometals were in the basement, fought a blonde girl with wings and had some difficulty and managed to take back the Biometals after punching her, then ran out of the mansion to find a place to rest and got ambushed by her older sister and Model H lent his power to even the odds,' James sighed in frustration despite the warm water cascading down his body, 'then i fell asleep and woke up some time later on, stole a bowl of food, fought some Youkai that were slightly mindless, went to Hakugyokurou by river as Model ZLX and battled a girl with two katanas, Youmu was it? she was tough all right. but at least i eventually gained the upper hand. but still...that power i felt during the fight with Youmu, it was strange yet familiar...anyway moving on, then i escaped taking one of her katanas to sell and left afterward taking the same route i used via river, and then i found myself walking towards Kourindou and meeting Rinnosuke who gave me the information about Gensokyo and learning of Yukari...then i sold the katana for 5000 Mon and bought a cloak that cost me 200 Mon and went on my way, then i met an arrogant witch and her friend who uses magical puppets, seriously, what kind of place is Gensokyo anyway!?, then i fought those two and defeated them and caused an explosion that sent us flying and i soon found myself in a cavern filled with machines from the past, (Pantheons, and that excavation Mechaniloid) and finding a Model W fragment and facing a Pseudoroid Hivolt was it? anyway i was able to destroy Hivolt and had a short breakdown and thanks to Model O i pulled myself together and lifted the fragment all the way to the spot which i marked on the Holo-Map, and i climbed a mountain and gotten pissed after an hour and used the Recoil Rod's charge attack and flew all the way to Moriya Shrine, and i slept for an hour on a pillar, met Kanako-sama, Sanae-san and Suwako-sama who gave me shelter for a short while after i explained my predicament and had a conversation with Kanako-sama that night where i had a nightmare...then later i left the Moriya Shrine and learned the ability to open portals to enter Cyberspace and move between worlds, and here i am, preparing to leave once more and having a short moment of peace in the shower...damn...i really am lucky and unlucky at the same time...' thought James to himself and finished taking a shower and turned the knobs to off.

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