Chapter 11 Mission 7: Volcanic Duel.

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James was slightly reeling from what he said to Parsee, "hey Model X was i too harsh on that girl?" he asked in slight bitterness, "maybe...but you made your point across to that girl." Model X replied making James sadly nod in bitter resignation.

Soon after James found himself in an open field next to a cliff right below the river, "great. and i'm still far away from the fragment." he cursed under his breath while looking at the surroundings, "damn it. i better stop muttering and continue-!?" James was cut off due to a unexpected visitor: Yuugi, all James could do was evade the one horned oni's diving kick and backflip to a safe direction.

"what do you want!? i'm trying to be peaceful here!" James screamed at Yuugi who gave a steely glare, "so it was you." the oni scowled, "what the hell did you do to Parsee!?" Yuugi yelled in an accusing tone, "me!? i didn't do anything! i just scared the crap out of her, but i didn't do anything!" retorted James to Yuugi who glared even harder.

"I don't believe you! if you won't tell me what you did to Parsee...then i'll beat it out of you!!" Yuugi assumed a stance, James' eyes narrowed "so be it." he growled, "if you wont believe me...then violence is the only way!" and quickly switched from ZOX to ZFX.

Insert BGM: Knock You Down! (Resonant Sound.)

(note: the majority of this fight will have little to no dialouge.)

With a shout of challenge Yuugi lunged towards James who ducked and followed it with an uppercut and blocked the punch Yuugi threw at him, gritting his teeth, James snarled and let loose a barrage of kicks hitting the oni in the chest and legs.

Letting out a cry of pain, Yuugi slammed her left fist to the front of James' helmet, suprisingly the helmet (and forehead crystal) didn't shatter from the punch but in the process James' head slightly bled from the attack, yelling in rage, the Biomatch threw another punch only it was much more harder than usual followed by a backhanded swipe and slight knee jerk to the stomach.

Yuugi grunted in anger and gave James a headlock followed by a throw to ground, James groaned in pain from the attack and saw Yuugi about step on his face, James quickly rolled to the side and used a chinese kip-up to stand up once more, once back into standing position, James delivered an axe kick to the side of Yuugi's head, snorting in rage the oni countered with her own kick to James' head but the helmet still protected him but gained a few cracks in the process and his head bled again, this time a little more than usual.

'why you-!' was James all could think as he threw another punch that Yuugi blocked but countered with another downward swipe to the oni's face, smirking despite bleeding, James let loose a barrage of punches that Yuugi tried to block, keyword: tried, James' smirked turned into a full on grin of pure malice as Yuugi was hit by the barrage.
After the barrage, Yuugi screamed in pure rage, "fine. if you're getting serious...then so shall i!!!" the oni lunged at James and gave him a painful punch to the stomach making him cough up blood, James ducked a punch and headbutted Yuugi's arm.

Yuugi screamed in agony as the helmet's horns impaled her left arm, James smirked evily and dug the horns deeper making the oni scream in more pain before retracting, James quickly punched the same where he headbutted making the oni scream in more pain, 'sweet music to my ears!' thought James as he grinned psychotically.

James had little time to celebrate when Yuugi retaliated with a strong kick to the left side of his head making him stumble to the right, with James reeling in pain Yuugi used the advantage to repeatedly punch James in both the sides of his head and land a few blows to his abdomen making him cough blood again only on a much larger amount.
James quickly kicked Yuugi with an upward kick followed by a downward swipe and backhanded swipe making the oni cough up blood at his face, 'argh!' James screamed internally at the blood blinding him knowing what will happen next.
Yuugi let another fist fly at James who blocked it and did a double backflip, "i'm getting sick of this!" James shouted in pure rage while equipping the Knuckle Busters.

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