Chapter 1: The Arrival

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"an important package!?" asked a young man in shock, and upon saying those words his boss gave him a stern look.
"okay here is the deal are going to deliver that package to the museum in 4 days! now remember this is a job request from Guardian HQ! now if you screw up this're fired, got it?" said James' boss sternly

"yes sir! i wont shirk this request as i always do my job!" replied James with a nod

"alright you are dismissed!" replied James' boss with a smile
James went out of the building he was working at and saw the peaceful city landscape, "what a peaceful view...if only i enjoyed this view..." he mumbled somberly "*sigh* i better get to work!" and quickly dashed home when suddenly he had an ill feeling.

"why do feel like something bad is going to happen?" wondered James who shrugged it off "nah! maybe i'm just hungry" and continued his walk.


"what's going on-? GAAAAAHHHH!!!!" James had no time to finish his words as fell into something screaming all the way in terror

-5 hours later...-

" head...where am i?" groaned James as he awoke from the fall, and noticed he was in a forest, "where the hell am i?" asked a flabbergasted James, "same here too..." a rough voice replied, "huh-? oh... it's you Model O..." replied James bitterly looking at the source of the voice: Biometal Model O.

" i was wondering the same thing: where the heck are we?" asked the floating sentient object, James shot the Biometal a harsh glare, "i dont know! and where is the-oh no!" shouted James in horror, "what? what's the matter-oh shit

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" i was wondering the same thing: where the heck are we?" asked the floating sentient object, James shot the Biometal a harsh glare, "i dont know! and where is the-oh no!" shouted James in horror, "what? what's the matter-oh shit..." asked Model O realizing the box containing the other Biometals was gone!

"what do i do?! x3 what should i DO!?" screamed James in fear, "calm down!" yelled Model O, "calm down!? how do expect me to calm down!? i'm going to get fired for this!" screamed a hysterical James, "did you forget i am a Biometal!? i can help you track the rest down!" yelled an irritated Model O, upon hearing the Biometal's words James stopped screaming, "you're right! were should we look?" asked a relieved James, "just follow my lead..." replied Model O sternly, and floated in the northern direction, James heeding the Biometal's words followed it.

-4 hours later-

"here! the other Biometals are located here." said Model O coming to a halt, however the place where the Biometals were struck a chord of fear into James, "here!? this place looks like Dracula's castle! are you sure Model O!?" asked a fearful James earning a glare from the Biometal, "i know Biometals more than you do, you dolt!" snapped Model O, "now how are we gonna get inside? there is a guard watching the gates..." whispered James noticing a red haired woman guarding the gates, "she's got a nice hat..." commented Model O, "seriously? you're commenting on her hat?" replied a bewildered James, "okay changing the subject, just leave this to me," groaned Model O who floated to the female guard and for a few minutes she fell asleep, Model O floated back to James, " what did you do?" asked James curiously, "i hypnotized her..." stated Model O simply earning a stare from James, "what?" asked the annoyed Biometal, "let's forget this and enter the mansion!" growled James who quickly jumped out of the bush he was hiding from and dashed towards the gate, "she's out cold for the time you dont have to worry" said Model O before James could ask, "alright then...we better play it stealthy..." mumbled James who began to open the mansion's doors quietly, "okay we are in..." James quickly noticed Model O floating to east section of the mansion, "Models Z and X are located there...and the rest are somewhere else..." whispered Model O, "thanks for the advice..." replied James quietly, "you're let's get the those Biometals..." whispered Model O, the two quietly walked in the eastern corridor of the mansion, "why is the fact that this is a mansion depite the fact it looks like a castle?" inquired James on the mansion's interior while walking down the corridor, "beats me...maybe it was called such because it looks like a mansion from inside..." replied Model O in a puzzled tone, "where is Model Z and Model X? we have been walking for 7 minutes..." whispered an increasingly irritated James, "shh! be quiet! they are over there!" replied Model O sensing the two Biometals on a desk, "are you kidding me? they hid the Biometals here?" groaned an incredulous James, "wake up you two!" growled Model O awakening Model Z and Model X

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