Chapter 34: Horrific Hallucinations (Mental Imagery Warning!)

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-Warning: this chapter contains some disturbing content which may result in disturbing mental imagery, you've been warned-

James' stomach grumbled even if he wasn't hungry. "Damn...maybe a small edible might help..." he muttered as he checked the ground and bushes for anything safe to eat. "Oh. this one looks nice." James then found a mushroom.

"Does it look safe to eat?" asked Model X wary for James' safety. "I don't know, but it does look like a button mushroom. so i guess it's safe to eat i guess?" replied James as he found another one which was bigger and washed them by a nearby brook. "Alright, let's chomp into these mushrooms." and James bit into them and soon finished them in a few bites.

What James didn't know, is that while the mushrooms were safe to eat...they contained a very potent hallucinogen that was to give him some hallucinations which will last for several minutes due to the amount he ate and he ate them raw in which the hallucinogen was in it's rawest state as they needed to be cooked to dillute the effects to lessen the chance of hallucinations. And boy...those hallucinations would give him a scare before the nightmare to come...

-some minutes later-

"Hmmm...they didn't taste bad...but they didn't taste good either..." James mused as the surroundings suddenly began to warp and twist. The hallucinations have begun. "Wha? what in the hell?" wondered James seeing the trees turn into spikes...containing mangled Pantheon, Galleon and lesser yokai remains. "The fuck?" said the stunned deliveryman as he then saw...himself. Sitting on a throne made of bones and skeletons.

But that was not the creepiest thing he saw. What he saw were the mangled remains of the Gensokyo inhabitants he fought, and they were rotting and some were stripped to the bone. " what can you become if you let your rage consume you..." growled the James on the skeleton throne. "What i'll become if i let my rage consume me? I...i'm trying to hold it in anyway...yet i..." mumbled the unsettled hallucinator. "Why...? why did you do this?" asked a voice as James saw Mokou but clearly burnt and showed some exposed muscle and bone and was in utter agony. "H-huh?" wondered James in increasing fright.

"You killed killed us!!" screamed Cirno looking like an undead. "Murderer...murderer..." growled a pale looking Youmu with a half rotted face. "I'm not a murderer!!" James protested as the area began to warp and distort once more.

"Wha? now what's this-?!" James' words died on his throat when he saw himself. But what made James stop talking at what he saw...and it almost made him puke.

The hallucination James was chained to the wrists and from the looks it, his hands, wrists and arms had somewhat atrophied a bit. But that wasn't the reason it made James puke looking at his hallucination doppelganger. It was much worse. Much, much, WORSE. It was something that not even James would see, not in even in real life, yet he saw it in a hallucination he was having of all things.

The hallucination of him had...a blood eagle, as in...the ancient sacrifice ritual used by vikings in the past...and it was not a pretty sight to see. (look it up in the internet if you want, but make sure you didn't eat anything beforehand. ya been warned!)

"Arrrrgggghhhhhh..." James almost hurled out of disgust, but suprisingly he didn't. "You okay?" he asked his hallucination self. "I'm fine. the pain doesn't bother me one fucking bit." growled the hallucination getting and taking off the chains in a flick of his wrists. "Thanks for the concern...but this blood eagle and half atrophied wrists is nothing to us right? it's just a symbol of the pain we endure right? then this is just nothing..." added the hallucination James as wings made of red and black colored energy sprouted from the exposed muscle on the back. "This is..." James whispered as the area began to distort again.

This time the landscape was a hellish looking area, and James saw pillars of magma and skeletons everywhere. "Okay this is a lot more tolerable to the eyes..." he muttered in abject confusion as he then saw...himself sitting on a throne made of solidified lava and was glaring at him. "You feel it don't you?" said the hallucination. "Your sins...can you feel them crawling on your back?" added the hallucination as James felt hands on his back. "Wha!? get off! get off of me!!" James shrieked as he shook off the hands but they kept holding on to him.

It wasn't long until James was pinned to the ground by those hands. "Helpless aren't we?" taunted the hallucination as James let loose a scream that created an explosion that incinerated all the hands and promptly stabbed the hallucinatory self. "Hahahaha...even so...i'm proof of the evil in your heart...and you have a choice after all..." cackled the hallucination as he turned into a viscous black goo. "Ugh...AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" James could do but scream as an aura of pure blood red surrounded him. "Enough! enough, enough, enough, enough! ENOUGH!!! GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" screamed James as image after image assaulted his mind. and they were not good to look at.

James slashing apart several lesser yokai and disemboweling one until it's skeleton remained...

Doing a rather...unspeakable act to a sobbing Yuuka which made puke as he never, ever do such a thing...

Slicing Flandre in half as Remillia screams for her sister...

Gutting several yokais while cackling madly...

Going through with killing Cirno and Daiyousei...

Leaving the burning wreck of Myouren Temple after nearly killing everyone and possibly killing some of them...

A burning wreck of a world that was destroyed by his rage...

And James standing atop a pile of corpses, both human and reploid alike.

And so much more...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" James could scream and hold his head in agony as the images tortured him mentally and emotionally. "Make it stop! Make it stop!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" he could only scream and sob as he fell to the ground. He wished the hallucination would end. He just wanted to keep walking...

(several agonizing minutes later)

Soon enough, the hallucinations finally were gone. But James' mind was still rattled from the imagery. "Ughhh...that wasn't pleasant...i better get up...and...i..." James' words were cut-off upon hearing a scuttling sound. "The hell? couldn't be..." he wondered as he saw a cave and heard the scuttling sound but this time it was metallic.

James wasted no time entering the cave. "James! what's gotten you all so worked up!?" asked Model L in alarm as James kept running. "No time! i have to make sure if my fears are correct...if it is...then i have to blow it up before it can deal massive damage to Gensokyo!" explained James as he entered the cave. 'I hope i'm not wrong....i sure damn hope i'm not wrong...' thought James in a panic as he remembered the hallucinations but shrugged it off. He had something to demolish. and it was going to be a tough one.

 and it was going to be a tough one

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Author's notes: finally completed. Not much of a chapter but it's enough to get you imagining some disturbing mental imagery. now what is James referring to? something dangerous? find out in the next chapter. alright then, see you all later.

Disclaimer: Rockman, Megaman and Megaman ZX are properties of Capcom and Inti-Creates and is licensed by Nintendo, please support the official release. Touhou is propety of Jun'ya Oota a.k.a. ZUN.

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