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The cold wind kissed his cheek bones turning it pinkish in hue. The city lights of Seoul flashed past him in a haze.

It looked beautiful. The electricity turning into a string of long lights of different colour and shapes blending together. The low hum of the engine and the buzz he felt from top to toe.

This was the fun of bike riding. Rather this was what made bike riding fun for him. He was nothing but a rider. As he heard engines catching up behind him, he doubled his speed. Going consistent in one pace. It had been years since he first learned how to compete on streets with the boys from the corner where they lived. They literally lived in a corner of the city. One moment they were there and the next, poof! All disappeared at daybreak.

By now he knew he couldn't slow down his pace inorder not to let them catch up and also not to harm eachother. Out of nowhere he felt himself smile. He was having fun. Real fun. After a long time.


He parked his motorbike on the right side of the road. He always stuck to the right side. Before he began and after it ended. He had yet again won. The guy on the black bike got off from it and patted him on his shoulder.

He had no idea how he looked like. But he had known him long enough to trust him as a good guy. "That was as usual, a good one," he said. He nodded and took off his helmet.

His hair was a mess so he ruffled through it and shook his head slightly. His earnings dangled and twinkled under the streetlight. His lips shone abit because of the tinted lip balm he wore. His eyes were small in a sharp way. His chin and facial structure were very sharp and permanent. His cheekbones were just right to highlight his well sloped nose. He had broad shoulders and he was infact very tall. His skin was pale. It was like the cherry on top.

"Well then, you better head home. It was fun today as well," the guy said as he walked away with the others. He always did the talking and the others followed him.

"See you later, Han Seo Jun." He said as he waved at him with his back facing away from him as he headed away.

Han Seo Jun.

He was pretty.

|[To be continued]|

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