T h i r t e e n

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As his vision adjusted to the lights, he looked up at the white ceiling. They had fun. And now he was back home. A soft smile tugged on up on his lips. He looked at his clock. It was already time for him to take off. His mother seemed to be sleeping as she wasn't in sight so he let her be. She deserved to have a good rest after he was gone for all those days. She could now rest assure as he was back now.

He knew she would be worried about him, but she told him off to not worry about her. Stubborn as she was. He rushed to college, he was excited to go to college for the first time. He sat on his bike, riding with a big grin underneath the helmet he wore. Just as he parked he felt a vibration on his left pocket. He fished out his phone while humming Falling by Day6.

As the dull light of his phone became visible, he saw a message from an unknown number. He frowned as he opened it. He abruptly stopped his humming. His whole world came crashing down as he saw his mother's image. She was unconcious. And then he read the blurry lines that followed;

10 a.m.
Near Han river, the abounded area.

He was trembling as he reached for his bike and he drove along. At ten sharp he reached there. He was welcomed by Mr. Lee, the famous Mr. Lee of the big entertainment company that he wanted to join as a trainee. If he remembered correct, he was Suho's father. "I want you to continue your father's job." He got straight to the point as Seojun's eyes widened. He was his father's boss? Did Suho know about this? Where was his mother?

"I have your mother with me. Tell me. What will you do? Join us? If you do. I'll send her home safely. If not-" Seojun nodded furiously. "I agree. I will. Please not my mother." Mr. Lee smiled. "I don't believe you. Maybe you're agreeing just because of the heat of the moment." A smirk took it's place on his thin lips.

Seojun shook his head, his eyes going red. Both with anger and fear. He didn't want to let go of his mother, he also didn't like being forced to do stuffs he wasn't interested in. But he had to. For now. For his mother. "I will. I have no problem."

Mr. Lee just looked at him, "But I heard you didn't want to do this." As he said this, a figure from the corner appeared. Seojun froze. His feet rooted on the ground. His face crumbled. Unable to process anything as tears ran down from his small beautiful eyes. His heart felt the biggest stab as he joined all the dots to make a big pattern. He understood everything. He was used. And then, his world crashed down. Shattering into millions of pieces. Just because of the Lee Suho that stood well dressed without a single emotion on his face.

All those promises ended up becoming lies. In his case he would have lunged forward to punch the shit out of him but not today. The pain was bigger then ever. It was a big thing as it even overcame his anger. "I'll do it!" He shouted, his voice cracking in the end. "Text me where to meet you next. I'll come more organised, let me go home for now. I can't run anywhere from you now."

Mr. Lee nodded as Seojun managed to atleast say those words out with difficulty. He hopped on his bike and he was off. He opened the door. All he wanted to do was run into his mother's loving arms. How could they be so heartless to hurt a weak. But all he was a  body lying on the floor and a back facing him.

But the weak are always the easy prey right?

It was motionless. He slowly made his way towards it with shaking legs and turned her over with trembling hands. She was covered in blood.

She wasn't breathing.

She was dead.


He had no one.

For real.

Is it possible to break the broken?

|[To be continued]|

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