🔞 T w e l v e 🔞

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The silk felt good on his body. He was dressed in a black suit. His hair styled in a neat way.

They had returned back and were headed to have dinner. On the other hand the other guy had worn a casual hoodie and jeans with converse.

It took everything in Seojun not to facepalm at his lover. "Why are you always wearing suit when we go outside?" Suho just looked at himself and then at Seojun, "Why can't we wear this?" He was so oblivious about dating. Seojun could feel the rich kid energy. "Okay stop. That's very rich of you." He said sarcastically. Suho nudged at his arm, "I don't want to show off my dad's money. No thanks. Never."

Seojun ran his tongue along his lower teeth. "Okay then wear something causal. Don't you have jackets or coats?" Suho just stared at him. Seojun walked up and yanked the suit coat off of him. As he undressed him he said, "I am not going on a date with such a formal man. It's just a dinner and the place isn't that fancy."

When he had just reached the second button he stopped. The realisation of what he was doing hit him hard. He looked everywhere but Suho as his mouth flew open and shut like a fish. He took a few steps back. Suho was just confused at Seojun's actions. But he wasn't stupid enough to join the dots. He smirked as he walked closer. Seojun blocked the view with the back of his right hand as Suho unbuttoned his shirt further. "Is this what you wanted?"

Seojun noticed that the door was behind Suho. He was beyond flustered. He heard Suho chuckle. "Go just change in your room. Not here." Suho walked up very close to the other. He leaned in closer until he reached the taller's ears. "Dress me then."

Seojun's cheeks had heated up but he wasn't backing down yet. He flipped them over and grabbing him by his waist. It was easy for him as he was shorter than him. "What if I want otherwise?" Suho smiled, "Undress me then."

And this took a great turn. They ended up in Suho's big bedroom. Seojun on-top of him and their lips hungrily ravishing eachother. Their lips moved in sync and the atmosphere became very heated, not to forget the black silk on Suho's body. Seojun left love bites along his collarbones. He really liked them.

The lamp light made their skin look creamy. Both of their smooth bare skin with traces of abs stuck to eachother very close. Scared to let go of eachother as if when they break apart, the whole world would dissolve into a daydream and bring them back to reality. Both of their breaths getting heavier as they continued to kiss. Their pants still on as they grinded on eachother. They were hard.

Seojun finally let go to catch some breath. Both of their eyes were watery due to the lack of oxygen. Suho's view of Seojun was very pretty. He looked beautiful, his chain and earrings were falling downwards. When they made contact to Suho's skin as they kissed, the cold metal sent shivers through his body. It was erotic.

As for Seojun, Suho looked very delicate. Way more innocent with the blush on him. But the next problem was very harsh. Suho looked up at him, "Hey if you don't feel comfortable-" Seojun shook his head a bit. "I'm fine it's just...I don't know...how..." he hung his head down in embarrassment.

Suho found this very cute. "I'll teach you. Here." He said in a gentle tone. Seojun nodded. They switched places. "Turn around and rise your hips. Spread your legs a bit apart. This way it won't hurt since it's your first time right?" Suho was gentle. He placed kisses along his neck and back. Seojun shivered a bit. He had stripped out of his boxers and pants. Both of them stark naked.

Seojun grabbed some lubricant he had got from his father a few months ago because of their small 'misunderstanding' that had turned to reality. Suho squeezed some on his fingers as he rubbed it in circles at Seojun's hole. Seojun gave out a chuckle. "It tickles." Suho smiled and put his finger in. As if shyly taking it in, Seojun made faces. "It's gonna hurt for a few minutes but the lubricant can help it, you know, get in smoother. Also the fingers will stretch you out a bit." He said as he kissed him to distract him.

Soon the second went in and then the third. Seojun didn't notice it until it stung a bit when he started opening him up with his fingers. He hissed. Seojun was relaxed and that was the reason it actually turned a bit good. Suho sucked on the base of his neck which made a loud moan escape Seojun's mouth. It was a bit higher pitched and it sounded different. More like his singing voice. And sure it was melodic as he continued to suck on the same spot.

He pulled out his fingers and wore a condom and lube as he finally pushed in letting go of his neck. They were sweating. Seojun felt so full that he could hardly breath. "Take a breather." Suho said gently. Seojun tried to but he couldn't. Suho encouraged him but he just couldn't. He pulled out and turned him around and spread his legs wide open. Seojun finally took a deep breath and that was when Suho pushed in while grunting.

When he was in, both of them sighed. It felt oddly good to Seojun. Suho started moving a bit slow. Suddenly he hit a certain spot and that's when he lost it. He moaned loud. Suho got the signal. He started to thrust in at an irregular pace. Seojun couldn't hold back his moans as he hit the certain place for multiple times. Suho placed his hands under Seojun's knees as he pounded in him.

Seojun had his hands around Suho's neck as they shared a sloppy kiss. Their hair stuck on both of their foreheads. Suho's styled hair was ruined but he could careless. Seojun found it hot. As they both moaned and grunted, Seojun bucked his hips higher up. Suho worked his hands on Seojun's lower part to give him more stimulation. In no time they felt their private parts twitching.

The wet sounds coming from below them made it more hot. Seojun tangled his fingers on Suho's hair and Suho held on his waist helping him buck his hips with one and the other doing it's job. They both were nearly out of it as they both came together. Riding out their highs, the milky white skin along with the honey one were covered in sweat that glistened with the creamy pale light. Both of them gasped heavily as they recovered from their session.

"Did you learn?" Suho asked Seojun."Of course I'm not bottoming next time." Suho giggled. Seojun chuckled as he looked at him with starry eyes. They leaned in for another sweet peck. "That was great."

"Shower, then we'll order pizza. Or you want ramen?" Suho asked. Seojun groaned. He was exhausted. "Ramen. Also help me." He said as he raised up, hissing. His back hurt. Suho giggled again, "You'll get used to it." He said with a smile.

Seojun stared at him. He was beautiful. He knew he loved him. And then he smiled back and proceeded to say, "I love you." Suho was taken aback for a while and then he smiled again, "I love you too."

Those words itself held so much meaning there could ever be between them.

|[To be continued]|

@suseomance Istg idk what I just wrote sjxjdjenenskskjxbd. I'm bad at smut so I hope it did atleast come to the mark of a 'smut.' Also Seojun will top in the next one👀 I swear it's gonna be better. I reckon it's gonna be on the last chapter. Two or less chapters to go till we reach the end :( anyways I hope you enjoyed ^°^

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