E i g h t

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(Warning: mention of homophobia)

The door shut with a loud bang. His whole vision seemed to be blur. He stumbled towards the bathroom only to find himself in his living room. The blue light made his vision turn lagoon. The sofa and table, everything that was in the room seemed to be coated with the lagoon colour of his walls.

He couldn't stop the turn in his stomach. His neck tightened the more he tried to breath. His eyes were red with the tears that didn't seem to fall down. His whole body burned. His skin felt like it was on fire with numbness. He tried to stand up as he tripped. But all he could do was open his mouth and vomit the ramen he had ate.

The picture didn't seem to vanish. And also the next moment he heard his father's voice.

The moment he had reached his destination he has patted his son's shoulder and whispered, "I'll let this one go. You take well after me. They're more important isn't it?" Suho had just stared at him until he walked aside. There was a laptop placed on top of the car and on the screen was Seojun.

He had just stared at the screen as his father smiled at him. There the other guy sat. Looking at the empty bench where Suho sat in formerly. He was staring at the spot with his sharp looking eyes. A small smile kissing his lips.

Suho vomited again. Now all the tears fell out. The whole stuff about his father being homosexual enough to leave his mother to die with her disease. It wasn't even like he just had affair with one guy. It was countless.

A CEO of a big company in Korea. People looked up at him with fasination, adoration and inspiration. But he didn't deserve it. He could have left atleast the last person he loved with him but then he let her die. He could have walked out of her life. But the disease caused due to his torture. He had hurt her so many years that she had internal infection.

And it was only her who loved him. And then came in a girl. He fell in love with her in high school but in the end she left him for some other guy. As usual, Suho never had a good dealing with love. Now that he was kind of receiving it from a friend he couldn't even enjoy that.

He couldn't stop being guilty. His father was horrible. The tears didn't stop. He had nothing left in his stomach but somehow he vomitted again. His throat burned due to the acid inside of him spillers out, pooling on the carpet for a while until it turned the carpet into navy blue as it sucked it leaving white bubbles on the top layer.

This wasn't half as disgusting of what he saw.

He grabbed on to his sofa and crawled towards the bathroom. As the cold water hit his skin, the burning sensation just turned worse. The tears turned worse. The flashes of his father kissing the men as his mother died just in the other room. He couldn't do anything. Or maybe he didn't do anything. That was one of his biggest regrets. But maybe being born was bad itself for him. He had been the reason why his mom stayed with his uncaring father. Hoping each day would turn better. The love for a son could turn everything better, was what she believed.

But nothing came true in the end. All she got was a dead end.


"What's up with both of you having dark circles and faces sucked out from nutrition?" Seojun's nosy classmate asked. Seojun groaned. "I swear if you talk again-" he caught side of a familiar figure. Before anything he stood up roughly making the chair fall behind him. He walked towards the boy and grabbed him by the collar and pulling him up to his feet.

"Two weeks. You were lost and you show up now?" Seojun's eyes burned with fury. "Why when I need you the most? To vent." Seojun looked everywhere but him when he said the last two words. Suho didn't say anything as he looked at him as if he was nauseated in his hold.

"You disgust me," he said. "I dislike you." Seojun looked at him. The last day of light in his grey eyes turning dark. There it was. He blew it off. The one last ray of warmth. The last hope for him to stay safe and feel safe.

"Who said I liked you," Seojun spat with fury as he threw him back in his chair and walked out.

Suho looked out of the window. His face said that he didn't care. But he could care less. 'I'm sorry but I don't deserve you. Not after what he asked me to do.'

|[To be continued]|

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