F o u r t e e n

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(warning: mention of blood and gore)

The world seemed to be in blur mode. No, it wasn't tears that made it seem like that, but it was his consciousness. He was tired. As he kneeled down on the same position for god knows, how many hours, he had gone numb all over. That was until he saw the door to his house open abruptly, and there he came in. Lee Suho with a worried expression.

When people said that you can't be mad at your lover, he knew now. As he saw the boy who stood in front of him, instead of anger which was the worst issue he had in his life, seemed to vanish and all that left inside his hallow self was the feeling of pain. Then he closed his eyes. Everything was too much on him, for now.


Seojun woke up to his empty room. His mother was no longer there. Neither his dad. He had no one for a family and that lonliness was the worst feeling of all. He was doubtful if he had seen Suho that day because when he woke up, he was blacked out on the spot.

It had been one week. He decided to work the jobs he had in hand. He was grieved was an understatement. The fact that Suho had betrayed him was not the only thing that bugged him. His father had lied to him as well. And he was the reason for their death. Seojun wanted to blame on Suho but something inside him told him that it wasn't true. And here were the rumours in school. Mr. Lee being a homosexual. Caught on CCTVs. Well, it was Seoul. You couldn't escape such scandals easily and it wasn't his first anyways. Especially when you're attending a school.

Seojun didn't pay any mind to it. He hadn't cried or dropped a single tear for any of his loss. He was just too hollowed out. Right as he was getting out of school, he was pulled into a dark corner. And here we go again, there he was. Wearing a black cap and hoodie and a mask on. Seojun knew he would meet him, he wasn't going to work as well. If they don't keep up their word, who is he to follow up with them. He moved out, changed his number. What else could he want? Yes, he needed money. He wanted to shift out of town. Far away from the place he wouldn't want to live. They could kill him, but he wasn't doing the job his dad did.

"I know you tricked me into being lovers for this business purpose. But I'm not coming with you. Beat me, kill me if you want. But I'm not doing th-" before he could say anything, Suho placed his index finger over his lips. "Listen, please...I'm running out of time."

Seojun realised that the other was teary eyed. He didn't want to listen but his heart said otherwise. "I don't want to." Seojun said with a cold tone. Nonetheless Suho said, "I'm sorry. Let me explain. This wasn't supposed to be this way. But please...hear me out."

Well this was how it was to fall blindly in love. For a guy like Suho, he would never want to ever face a mess he accidentally created. But here he was, even though he was bad at it and this was new, he was facing his problems. Because he loved Seojun.

As for Seojun he wanted to believe in everything. After losing every source of love, he didn't one to lose his last source. He would believe any lies. But he knew it would break him more. But he didn't care. He just needed comfort.

"Do it. Fast then."

And here it was, Suho's chance. His eyes turning more teary as he looked at Seojun. He didn't expect this as the possibility of the odds were to the fullest. But he didn't waste anytime.

"The day we met, was the day my dad ordered me for a murder. But I couldn't bring myself to. I wanted freedom as you know, I would be the next CEO. But being one had its corruption and bad sides too. For that I had been trained from a young age to fight, use knives and to endure pain to the fullest.

"Everytime I did something right as in paper works for my dad, he would praise me through a smile. But once I did a mistake, I would be beaten up well. Well patience and endurance. That was the key for business according to my father. Paper works need patience so that was my start line. I was made to learn how to dress properly even if I would go out for anything. I was made to meet him on time and do my jobs on time. Even though I am a student, I'm expected to be there on time for him. I didn't want to tell you all this because now I was finally getting freedom to do what I please.

"The night I met you, was the night my dad wanted to wipe off a guy who had been excelling well in business. But his staffs liked him too much which he suspected him to take over his place. He wanted me, for the first time to do the dirty work. Meaning to kill. I didn't want to, but he said it was all I had to do for me to gain the position of the CEO. So getting the only selfish thought of freedom in my mind I set out. But I met you, and then I changed my mind. You have a life as well. So that guy had one too. For some odd reason I didn't want to gain freedom through this, so I agreed to go on a ride with you and be late on purpose.

"When I did reach the place my dad called me, I was welcomed with you and me being monitored by him. He holds so much power, I couldn't do anything against his evidence that I was with you. And the guy I was supposed to kill was killed off. And he was..."

"My dad." Seojun completed. Suho nodded, "I'm sorry. Yes. Worst thing of all, when they showed me the finished job, my dad made me look at him, and at that same moment told me he was your dad." Seojun had a straight face, "Tell me how did he look like." Suho stayed quiet, not giving him a glance. Seojun grabbed him by the collar and shook him a bit, "Tell me. I want to know."

"They beat him on his stomach and his neck seemed to be choked with something. A big bruise over his face and a skull cracked open and blood..." Suho said as fast as he could. The image still making him nauseous. Seojun's eyes turned cold. He looked at him in a way to continue. "That was the reason I ended up vomitting for a whole month. My dad disgusted me more than the mess. He knew he had a family and that was when he wanted to find a filler and that was you. So he asked me to make my mission right and that was you as well. The time I came back and told you that you disgust me. Well it was for my dad actually as he was monitoring us. It was more like a clear cut signal to him that I refused his mission. The word I mumbled, 'Aloha' was for retreat from the mission he gave me. I didn't want to use you because I genuinely feel love for you." Suho paused.

"In the end, it was just us as we spent all those times together. But the night we called for pizza in Busan," he didn't say the whole moment they shared, "I felt I had seen a shadow round the corner while receiving it. And that was when I knew, he hadn't given up. We then come home after a good time out there. The next moment I opened my eyes to go to college, I saw my dad back at my house and your mother on the sofa all tied up. He said I was moving school but I had to complete my mission nonetheless. And that was when it all happened, I disagreed and made him let your mom go. What turned the events was when he hurt your mother, and blackmailed me. So I had to play along, I agreed. For the time being. I'm still being monitored by him. And I'm so sorry, he promised he wouldn't hurt your mom but he did that in the end. I'm so sorry I couldn't save both of your-"

Seojun hugged him, "Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. I know how hard it must be for you too." And both of them were crying. Seojun still processing the story. After several minutes they calmed down Suho then suddenly let go, "I need to go. But my dad has called me to bring you along. Said I should make up with you with lies. Then he would catch you and force you to do the job. That man...But I ain't doing that. I have a plan. Do you trust me?"

Seojun stared at him with swollen eyes that now sparkled. He pulled him by his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips, "I do."

They had decided to end this once and for all. To get a freedom in his own way and the other to get justice for his parents.

"God I'm breaking a rule." Suho said as he smiled cheekily at Seojun after he explained his plan to him. Seojun smiled his crooked one, it had been a while since he last smiled like this, "No you're bending it."

|[To be continued]|

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