E l e v e n

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This was the first time. They had been friendly for a good three months by now. But for Suho to bunk classes. This was absurd but he was doing it. If you ask why, it was because of the guy infront of him. He had mistakenly opened his mouth that he was born in Busan. Also that he wanted to go back as well but he didn't want to for now as he met Seojun or he would take him there.

It was a joke. But Seojun insisted they go back to see the beach. It's had been nearly nine years since he last had a visit there. And now the taller couldn't stop seeing dreams about their perfect 'date.' He sure looked tough and rough but to be completely honest, this guy was a big baby. Maybe since he was pampered since he was young. He had loving parents after all.

Seojun's mom was in great health, maybe since Seojun was working a really good job. Modelling. Maybe after their dad wasn't there, he could be what he wanted to be but he said he wasn't ready for it. Seojun's mom was proud of him either way and was very thankful for taking care of her. She loved him and that bound between them was beautiful. Suho wanted that bound as well. But that was hard to attain as his mother was no longer there. 

They would stay there for three days. It was Friday afterall. Seojun had got them a train ticket and now they were headed to Busan. Their luggage packed well. In the middle of the ride, Suho didn't know he had fallen asleep. He didn't have a good sleep after that incident. Thankfully his vomitting had stopped. He had dark circles and lost a bit of weight. Seojun didn't question him and gave him his personal space.

The moment he opened his eyes, he realised he was leaning on Seojun's shoulder who was smiling softly at him. "We've arrived." Suho flushed and nodded as he got up and gathered their small backpacks. They got off and headed to the bus stop. Suho could've bought his car but Seojun said it was too flashy. And he wanted to treat him, with the best moments back in his home town. He wanted Suho to have fun. He wanted to take care of him.

They dropped by Suho's old house and changed and refreshed a bit. They then headed to the beach right away, riding a bicycle. When they reached their destination. The same view that Suho loved the most welcomed him.

It was evening. The skies were turning orange and red. The few clouds on the end of the horizon seemed to bloom with pastel yellows and orange like cotton candies. The water under it shined with the same colour as the waves hit the shore. The beach was mostly empty.

The fresh breeze hit their faces and as they inhaled the wind, they slightly shivered as their bodies turned a bit cold as it was getting dark already. But the warmth from the water was still there, making the temperature just right. They sat down on the sand. Seojun and Suho's hair had been parted by the wind. Their foreheads exposed in a stylish partition by their bangs. They both looked handsome in their own ways. One with silvery of all kinds beaming just as brightly as the owner itself. The other had his features as soft as ever as the light reflected on his skin. Their eyes shining wild with raw emotions. They were happy.

"I had to transfer here so much. Getting to a new town every time. My father, he isn't that good. As a CEO of a big company, people mistake him as a good guy but he left my mom for a guy actually. I was a bit homophobic before but things started getting different after I met you. I transferred as the news of him being homosexual got out in my other colleges as well." Suho said as they watched the sun set.

Seojun smiled and said after a while, "I see you've been going through this. Just know you can tell me anything. And about this whole homophobia, it's not your fault that you think of it that way. I don't know how it feels to be you but seeing it through your perspective, it's actually very okay for you to have that kind of feelings since he did that. It's just a trauma and also if you have anything you have in mind, I'm here for you." Suho smiled.

"I never knew the feeling of being cared for after my mom passed away." Suho said truthfully. Seojun stood up abruptly, he took in a deep breath as he switched from one feet to other with all his weight with nervousness. His hands inside his pockets, he licked his bottom lip. "I've been wanting to ask you..." He looked at Suho who was just blinking up at him. "Will you...be mine?" Seojun turned sideways as he cleared his throat. He was nervous.

A soft smile took it's place on Suho's lips. "I'm yours." Seojun's face turned at him with an unbelievable expression.

As the last of the sun's face disappeared, the merge of orange and yellow vanished and turned into a darker tone. The shades of blue and black threw itself over it and stars as bright and twinkling as ever took it's place. A bright moon smiled over them. Suho was on his feet now.

Both of their eyes held so many different emotions as they shined under the beautiful sky. The cool breeze still lingered around them. Seojun smiled softly as he intertwined their fingers together. Suho looked up at him and slowly closed his eyes. Seojun closed his eyes as he inched closer. Their breaths mixed in with the smell of the water, their eyes closed and hair shining under the moon, two bodies connected.

The kiss was passionate. Suho and Seojun had opened their mouths for eachother as their tongues felt eachother through and through. Suho let go of one of his hands and played with Seojun's mullet. Seojun placed his on the shorter's waist. Their lips were warmer than ever and their cheeks were painted red.

They were beautiful. As Suho continued to hold him close, one of Seojun's earing fell off. The shining piece of metal was left forgotten as the two bodies held eachother closer than ever. The love was so sincere as they shared it among themselves and themselves only.

|[To be continued]|

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