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The dull light of the bookstore shone on his honey skin. The musky smell of the used comics never bored him. Each comic from the horror section, he knew it all. From childhood to puberty, he had grown a deep connection there. He had the silence and peacefulness rotted in his heart. Maybe this was the reason why he never lunged forward when he was extremely angry. And he was, most of the time. Blame it on one person.

His eyes were doe shaped, big and starry. He had broad shoulders and was tall. His high nose and plump lips highlighted the sharp features of his face. He had hazel brown eyes. His hair was silky and soft. He was halfu. A Korean and Japanese mix. He had difficulties coping up in Korea but things were going smooth. He had great grades and he was very popular in college. Life was becoming less of a burden outside his house.

But he was transfering again. Rumours about his dad were flying around in his present college too. So he was moving out of town. To Seoul. He would miss Busan. But he had no choice. His dad had the power, authority and money. No one can beat any one of them if you are lawfully a son of that person.

He sighed as he closed his manga. The skies were starting to get navy blue in colour as the stars popped out here and there. He decided to visit his last spot. The beach. He turned his face from the window and put the manga back to the shelf. A bit unusual, he bid goodbye to the keeper. He then walked off briskly towards his car.

He rested his head on the head-rest. He was sick and tired of everything. The whole transfering and stuffs. The saga never stopped. You can't hide black from white. The truth surfaces out sooner or later.

He sat up and started driving. By the time he reached, the beach was empty. The cool breeze from the waves hit his face and combed through his hair. He took a deep breath. This was the last time he would be able to watch the bright moon shining upon the dark waves. The last time the twinkling stars that looked so bright. The last time his eyes shone with happiness and ecstasy.

The moment was ruined by a text. He had to head home. They were heading out tonight. He softly groaned and put his phone back inside his pocket and headed back home.

"Well you got to bare this for now Lee Su Ho," he said as he wiped a tear that rolled down his left eye.

Lee Su Ho.

He was beautiful.

|[To be continued]|

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