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They were dripping wet as they ruffled through their hair with the towel. Seojun had thankfully remembered the password to the cabin house of his.

There was a thick smell of fungus mixed with the earthly smell of the mud outside as the rain continued. The green around them was so thick that the road was partly hidden.

Seojun gathered some old woods that seemed to be alright and lit the chimney. The whole house lit up by the strong orange flame of the fire. It was warm. An awkward silence hovered over them. "I'm going to get us some clothes. I'll shower on the attic bathroom, you take this." Seojun said as he walked off.

But when he came out of the bathroom he heard a cough. He rushed towards the source of the sound. Suho had showered and his hair was wet. His hands on either side of the sink and his face burried in it as he coughed as if he was puking. He raised his head from the sink to look at Seojun who had just entered. In the process of doing that, the muscles on his arms flexed. Seojun couldn't help but check him out as he gulped. When he met his eyes, he saw the smear of blood on his lips. The sink was covered in red.

"Oh my-" "It's alright." Suho said quickly. "I've been puking and sick for a few days. So now I puke blood as I have nothing to puke in my stomach anymore," Seojun looked concerned. "We should visit the doc-"

"I said it's alright, I am having medicines." He lied again. Seojun just looked at him, unsure of what to do. "But I'm so sorry, I lashed at you like that. I didn't know that you were genuinely sick." Suho just stared at him and after a few seconds he wiped the blood as it started to dry up. "It's alright," want to vent?" He flashed a beautiful and sincere smile at him. Seojun had been staring. He was gorgeous. And he had smiled. The Lee Suho had smiled.

Seojun smiled back, "Sure. If you think it'll make up for your disappearance." Suho nodded as he washed up and walked to the living room. They sat on the sofa and Seojun just stared at him. "Can I? Hug you? I don't mean it that way. I don't want you looking at my face because it will be a bit hard for-"

"Here," Suho opened his arms wide. Seojun had to hide his laugh, Suho honestly was so straightforward but that was cute. He walked to him and wrapped his arms around his waist as the shorter hugged his neck. Seojun let his head rest on his chest, hearing the fast beating heart. His cheeks turned red as he realised that his heart was racing as well. He looked up at Suho. He was red as well.

Suho cleared his throat, "Okay tell me." Seojun nodded as he looked at the fire that was burning before him. His eyes shone under the light as he teared up a bit. "It was my dad. Two weeks back, he...was murdered."

Suho went stiff. "My mom had been sick after a few years I was born. He loved us so much that he could do anything for her and me. He didn't want to lose his wife and a mother for me. He took a loan for her treatment. We still don't know what her sickness is as it shows cancer symptoms but it's sometimes lung, sometimes bones, sometimes blood. For all the times we went to big hospitals for diagnosis, money flowed away from his pocket like water. I had school going on as well. I always race at night 'cause the street guys pay me monthly. A lot. Just for their fun. I won't be surprised if they are billionaires who want to have fun under disguise.

"But after he was drowned on loans, no one helped us anymore. I payed my fees with five jobs before I did racing. And then, he got a job from an unknown man. He was best at shooting in his military years. So he took in the job, it was illegal. He had to kill people. Just for the sake of us. I hated it but he refused to let his wife go and let my future get ruined." Seojun didn't dare to look at Suho.

"I wanted to be an idol. I loved singing but I wasn't able to. We had to stay low. As the rivals of his boss started chasing after him as well. Not just him but our family. He got a higher post. He was the manager of all the illegal weapons that entered and left the country. Honestly he really was a great dad if not for his job. He hardly had time for me after that. We used to come for hunting here.

"But it all stopped as he got promoted. He didn't even sleep a wink without fear of waking up dead or waking up to any one of us dead. My mother did get better. So for the selfish desire of his loved one, he killed many innocent. So many lives for just one soul. I do love my mom but we didn't know how many he killed, their family must be devastated and many were after him as well. But then he was killed. The boss said he was alright and could help him secure our family. But no he didn't do anything. I never hated my dad for what he was but his boss who made him do the job. Money is such a dirt. It takes you to such extends. My mother has been poor in health after his death so I'm searching for jobs."

Suho sighed. "I'll help. I understand and I'm so sorry," Seojun looked at him, "Aren't you scared. I mean my dad and all, we are bad guys..." Suho's gaze softened. "No you're not the bad one. You're not at fault. I'm actually jealous of how loving your dad was. But I'll help you financially." Seojun shook his head. "No I'm not borrowing money-" Suho opened his mouth, "No not even for free and don't tell me I can pay anytime. I don't want to repeat my dad's mistake."

Suho nodded and stayed quiet. "You being here for me. That's all that matters. Am I a burden?" Suho shook his head, "I actually want to know more about you." Seojun flashed him a smile, "What about you? Why are you jealous about my dad. You know he's not here because of what he did..." His smile dropped and he looked away as he said that.

Suho gave him a sad smile even when he wasn't looking, "I don't have a good relationship with my dad. He left my sick mother for another person so it was pretty hard on me. He didn't love me. Just because I have to continue his business as the only son."

Seojun looked at him with wide eyes, "Oh my god I'm so sorry. Take all your time. You don't have to push yourself." Suho laughed bitterly, "It sucks doesn't it?" With that he pulled Seojun along with him as his head hit the sofa. Seojun was now laying on top of him. "Let's cuddle for a while. It will make you feel better. And this is good. I could get used to it."

"Suho can I ask you something?" Seojun said as Suho hummed. "What are we?" Suho gave out a questioning hum. "Maybe more than friends but not lovers."

"Yeah we hate eachother." Seojun said. Suho shook his head, "No, dislike. It's something between like and hate."

"But I might fall, you know." Suho could hear the smile in Seojun's voice when he said that. "Me too maybe." They glanced at eachother and smiled. Both of their cheeks tinted red.

"Hey Seojun can you sing me a song?" Suho asked. Seojun was taken aback but he nodded nonetheless. He got up and disappeared for a while to end up with a guitar.

He strummed. "It's been a while since I last sang but...this is for you." He hummed softly and started singing. It was english. Dancing with a stranger by Sam Smith and Normani. He was so good. Genuinely good. All the raw emotions that came out lashed at Suho.

He had decided. He had to help him. He couldn't help feeling guilty. He couldn't bring himself to say it. He had lied for the third time. His father was Seojun's boss.

He was wrong when he thought his eyes would never shine the way it did back in his hometown. Because now it shined brighter than the twinkling stars at a clear night sky as he stared at the pretty guy in front of him.

"Oh baby baby I'm dancing with a stranger..."

|[To be continued]|

@suseomance : A bit long. I'm sorry if it's boring. I'm bad at fluff (^_^メ)

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