N i n e

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The tears shimmered along with his earings under the light. He looked beautiful even when crying. Well he was the incarnation of an angel itself. Maybe even beautiful.

"Aloha," Suho had muttered as he stared out of the window. Seojun knew what it meant. So this was the end. He couldn't take anything out. He couldn't rest his burden of words. He deserved to rest his words atleast if not the weight isn't it?

People often mistook him for a cold and a conserved person but the truth was, when they started getting closer with him, he was rather sensitive. The sky was turning dark and the whole world before him stood in grey-scale. He gritted his teeth. He was sad, angry and confused.

Walking down the hallways and jumping off the fence. He could care less of the CCTV that stood at the backside of the school. He rushed to the parking area, pulling out his bike keys and hopping on his bike.

The busy road of Seoul was heavy with people flooding in from all directions. On the pace he was going on, the surrounding seemed to happen in a time-lapse. The wind blew on his face. He didn't have a helmet on. No safety measures taken at this point. The wind was so strong against his knuckles as it turned blue. When he finally hit on the breaks with his stuff fingers due to the cold, he found himself far from the city.

He looked at the small house far in the woods. It was the house he spent his earlier days with his dad when he came back from work. He still had a small part in the business back then. They used to go hunting. Now that it had been a long time since he last came here with his father after he got promoted to a higher level. He missed every second with his dad. Since he was young, he never despised his father but his job. The boss who made him do it inorder to pay his debt to pay for his wife's hospital bill.

He used to love eating the warm teokbokki. He missed the times when his dad drank Soju and looked at him with his eye smile. He always said, he had to be a man of his words. And that he should go by the rules if they were rules. But if you could bend it, it wasn't considered being broken.

Maybe that's also the reason why he was allowed to choose if he wanted to take after his father's post or not. He would never take in the job. He was allowed not do the job with his own choice but, it had put a barrier between his dreams and him. Here's the thing, he wanted to be an idol.

His passion for music was more than anything. He loved it with all his heart. Being able to define and express himself and stop being judged by people as a bad person who people thought he was. He didn't break rules. He bent it. Like his dad said. But he wasn't able to do it. For his own safety. That's what his dad told him. 'To stay low,' as his father had an illegal job.

Seojun sighed very deeply as he looked at the old wooden house. He heard an engine stop right behind him. He froze as he heard a familiar voice, "I knew you'd be here."

By now it had started drizzling. Seojun turned around, "How'd you know?" Suho just walked towards him as he got out of his car without a word. "I have my ways," he said at last as he stood face to face with him. He had to look up at Seojun slightly. Seojun just stared back at the hazel orbs.

"Wanna know what source? I actually came to tell you-" Seojun cut him off, "I don't care what ways." He pulled him by his collar and crashed his lips on his. It was just a touch of lips, but it was warm. The warmth of both plump lips melted in together in a sweet connection. Suho placed his hands on Seojun's waist to hug him as he closed his eyes and kissed him back. There wasn't any movements just a firm pressure of his lips on Seojun's lips.

As the drizzle turned to a downpour, all they could feel was the warmth of their lips and tears that had slipped down from both of their eyes. Two souls despaired over different matters yet it was connected with the string of fate.

|[To be continued]|

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