T h r e e

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Excited whispers were exchanged back and forth. Monday had arrived. The most tiring day when he received gifts and letters. He walked through the hallway with his hands in his pocket.

As usual, the 'supervised' was wearing his attire all wrong. This time well, the supervising teacher who scolded him for improper dressing was not there. This signalled a red flag in his head. Something was going on.

He opened his locker. He wasn't the kind to get books or even bring the books. He had to put out the junk. The locker couldn't clean by itself. Edibles would produce a foul smell after some time.

Neatly written letters with ribbons, glitters, hearts, stickers and what not. Hand crafted goods and home-made cookies. Those were all expressions of administration and one's adoration to him. He wasn't interested in this.

'Stay as low as possible,' that was what his father told him. Putting a bar between his dreams and him. He had nothing to lose. He had lost afterall. The fight for his dream had died down. He had nothing to ever give up anymore. Nothing to hold onto as precious.

He pulled everything out and let it clatter on the floor. "Take it out. How many times should I say this? You ruin the first day of my week with all these junk. I warn you, get these out of my sight," Seojun's voice boomed in a deep growl through the hallway.

"Littering school ground is against the rules," said a voice from behind him. The president was there. Kang Soo Jin.  Seojun tilted his head towards his left with a 'tsk' and a smirk. "Oh it's the class president. Just because you have the grades and attitude you can't slip away. Don't act like you too didn't write one of them," he said with his smirk still intact and he gestured towards the pile on the floor with his eyes and raised an eyebrow at her.

The low vibration of his baritone voice rang throughout the hall in a smooth flow. The students were staring at them as the tension around them grew intense. Soojin just gave him a smile, "I don't see how that defends you. Clean it up." She said as she turned around and left. Seojun poked his tongue inside his left cheek. "So annoying," he muttered and walked away from the litter. People scrambled, well mostly boys, to read the letters and who wrote them for him. Their entertainment for the first day.

Seojun had yet again gotten late. The teacher stared at him. He stared back. He just shrugged and pulled out his lower lip, wrinkling his chin (he still managed to look cute) and walked to his table when he felt a chalk hit the back of his head. The old guy was again looking at him with angry eyes. "You're late. Not even a apology? God children these days-"

Seojun turned around and bowed ninety degrees and said a long, "I am sorry." The teacher looked more than furious but before he could open his mouth he cut him off, "You needed an apology, you got it." He walked to his seat and pulled out his chair. That was when he recognised a pair of eyes watching him. He turned his head in a swift motion.

Once the hazel brown eyes met the grey ones the feeling between the people who possessed them became mutual.


Seojun shook his head bringing his bangs to cover his forehead more. The moment he sat down the student beside him said, "The guy near the window is a transfer from Busan." So this was why the supervising teacher was so busy. A new 'good/moral' student had stuck his foot in the school ground.

Seojun gave him a blank look. "You couldn't stop staring at him so...By the way are you really just joking or are you that näive?" He whispered again and chuckled as he looked at the teacher who had turned around and started teaching.

Seojun ignored him again and turned his head to the other side and laid his head on his arms. Falling asleep. It wasn't easy to live a normal and healthy life with riding all night. He could get a good sleep during classes.


The shrill sound of the whistle resounded throughout the field. They were going to play basketball. As the floor squeaked under them when they warmed up Seojun noticed Suho in the far corner with his book on his lap. Maybe he wasn't athletic. But he really wanted to beat that guy in a game. He seemed too...organised in a way.

"Hey why don't you join?" Asked the same guy who sat beside Seojun in class. He paid too less attention to people around him that he couldn't remember half of his class mate's names. Suho looked up from his book. He then looked at Seojun. The other guy just gave him a crooked smile and raised his eyebrows in a challenging manner.


This was the first time he heard his voice. It was smooth and honey-like. And for the first time, Seojun's insides turned.

|[To be continued]|

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