S i x

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Suho was going through his laptop when he got a call from his father. He didn't want to answer. This wasn't the time to bother a student anyways. But nonetheless he answered. He knew it was something important if he literally called.

The vibration got cut off as he answered. They exchanged formal and business-like conversation everytime. It wasn't too polite but it wasn't too harsh as well.

It was his last mission. Like a gunshot to mark off his journey to his new life. Life and luck were on his favour. He had to do the dirty job he hated the most himself this time. But he was so obsessed with getting freedom he was ready to do everything.

Freedom was all he yearned for.

He walked out of his house after gathering his things. He was walking down the street to get to his car when he saw a familiar figure. He sat with his back facing him on his bike as he looked up at the moon. The night was cold and he wore only a shirt. As he stared harder he could see all details of his body when the streetlight shone over his milky skin. A puff of smoke blew up each time he breathed.

As the light enveloped him Suho all of a sudden found himself at peace. But as he felt his eyes on him he turned slowly. His straight silky hair shone as he tilted his head looking at him upside down. Suprisingly he still looked handsome with his face halfway upside down and his hair sticking on his face. A smirk formed on his lips. "Suho." It was more of a statement than a call of attention.

"Why are you out so late?" Suho asked. Seojun jumped off his bike as he looked at him with his hands in his pocket and his back slumped. He had now started walking towards him, "It's the longest sentence I heard from you. Also why are you in all this, suit?" He said after a pause as he checked him out.

"None of your business."
"You want to hang out with me?"
"Or are you in a hurry?"
"I'm not."

Suho lied. He was running out of time. Time was ticking. Everything would fall out of place if he was distracted now.

"Watch me ride." Seojun said as he gestured to his bike with his lips. They looked pulp and very kissable. It somehow made Suho's insides lurch and turn. He recognised this feeling and it was a bad thing.

"You just want to brag how good you're at it." Suho stated as he eyed the black bike. Seojun gave him a crooked smile. "So you think I'm good?" He said as he lowered his head to his eye level. Suho glared at him. "So you coming?" Seojun asked ignorant of his glare.

Suho raised an eyebrow at him as he loosened his tie and popped open the first two button of his shirt. "Well I got to sit with you?" He asked as he took off his coat as well. The white silk shirt was fitting enough to wrap his body frame pretty well. The exposed colourbone looked very muscular. The moon shone on eachother's faces. Peculiarly both of their eyes grew a shade lighter. One was more like gold and the other more like silver. Pure and raw emotions dancing and surfacing just in the way they looked at eachother.

It was beautiful. Very beautiful.

"You're staring." Suho stated. When Seojun looked back at him, the other guy was smirking. "You actually even know how to smirk now?" Seojun said as he looked at Suho right in the eyes.

"Let's go." Suho said.

Seojun nodded as he threw the helmet at him. They got on his bike. Seojun turned halfway to Suho, "You always come up with surprises huh?"

Suho didn't say anything as he backhugged him. But Seojun 'tsked' as he looked at him through his mirror. "If you don't want to fall down."

He started his engine.

"Hold me tighter. Don't let go."

|[To be continued]|

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