🔞 F i f t e e n 🔞

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They had five hours before they set out their plan. The fake passports and documents were securely packed. Their clothes all tucked in the single bag in Suho's room.

Seojun smiled at Suho, as the other smiled back at him. They sat down on the couch face to face. They had so much to say, but they were just exchanged through love filled gazes. Suho moved up towards Seojun slowly and kissed him. Seojun didn't move but closed his eyes. Suho's hand traveling under his shirt as he caressed the skin underneath and nibbling his lower lip.

Seojun wasn't giving in so he flipped them over. "My turn," he said as he smiles down at Suho. Quickly shoving the shirt over his head and Suho's as well. Soon their pants followed. Leaving one in his boxers and the one on top in an underwear. Suho smirked up at him. "Where's the lube?" Seojun asked ignoring the boy's expression.

Suho reached up in between cushion of the couch and pulled out the bottle with condoms. "Someone's prepared." Seojun said as he spread Suho's legs apart in front of him.

He pulled off the boxers and bent down to give kitten licks to his erection. Suho covered his mouth as he threw his head back trying to contain his whimpers because of the tease. Seojun smiled at this and further went to take him whole. As his groin hit the back of his throat, he tried not to choke, softly sucking him.

Suho's stomach went up and down as his breathing picked up pace. Seojun let go and took off his hands and intertwined them, placing it on either side of Suho's head. "I want to hear you when I pleasure you." Suho's eyes were watery due to the pleasure. For a moment Seojun thought he lost him but when the said boy gave a slight squeeze, he smiled a soft smile and kissed him on the lips.

Their lips moved in sync and tongues danced together in a passionate heat. Their body tingling at every small contact with their bare skin. Electric currents going up and down through their bodies as they pressed their hard erections eachother and grinding.

Suho wanted to feel more of his touches. He never knew this would be so amazing. He closed his eyes with his mouth agape as Seojun marked him down his neck and went further to his nipples. Kissing and nibbling it as his hand pulled and tugged with the other. Soon the kissed turned to bitting. Seojun liked bitting it seemed. And Suho liked receiving it. His nipples turning red with hickeys. 

Suho could see how Seojun's underwear had gone wet so he said, "Finger me." With ragged breath, he felt kisses down his stomach and hips. There sat a bruise from a few days back, "Was it him?" Seojun asked as he looked at it. Suho nodded, "It doesn't hurt anymore." Seojun didn't say anything as he kissed it once softly and then poured lube on his fingers.

To his surprise the finger went in easily, Seojun raised a questioning eyebrow at this. Suho flushed as he said, "I've been practicing with...toys...so...I am pretty loosened up. I wanted it to be your best after what you've gone through." Seojun turned red as he heard this and gave a nervous chuckle. "I like it..." And he went on with his second and third that went in well inside. He pushed it in and out trying to find a certain spot. And jackpot! Suho moaned loud. Seojun smirked as he hit it again and again. Suho's dick twitched and the taller knew he was close. He stopped as he pulled out his fingers. Suho whined.

The sound he was making sent shivers down his spine and he couldn't hold back anymore. He pulled out his hard on and slipped in the condom and put some lube for a smooth flow. He slowly pushed in as Suho whimpered under in. He grabbed Seojun by his neck and gave him a deep kiss as his breath turned more ragged. He felt really full.

Once Seojun was all in, he thrusted in a rythemic pace. It was deep slow thrusts. Suho seemed to be enjoying it as his mouth flew open with various sounds and Seojun's name rolling off of his tongue in the most seductive way. Seojun hit his spot which caused a string of saliva to slip down out of Suho's mouth because of the pleasure. Seojun had an idea.

He started rolling his hips in a crazily fast pace. The squelching noises were so loud and hot at the moment. The whole scenario of Suho under him with messy hair and warm honey toned skin reflecting off the lagoon blue of his home colour. Him covered in hickeys that marked him his property. Seojun loved this.

When they both made eye contact, they could see their eyes sparkling with wild lust.

He couldn't believe from where they were just a few days ago and now here they were doing this. Suho's eyes rolled back with the pleasure he was receiving. Seojun pulled out and flopped beside him and turned Suho so his back was facing him. He pulled his left leg up and slid in again. This way he got more access to the warmth he came to find love and pleasure. Suho was moaning out broken words and Seojun was groaning and moaning along with them. 'I love yous' exchanged between them. Their voices harmonizing together in a sweet melody of erotism.

Both of them, as if in a silent agreement came hard together. Shiney white liquid dripping on the floor below the sofa. Both of them catching up their breaths as they rode their highs. Suho had come undone. Suho turned to Seojun and snuggled in his sweaty arms. "You were so good. But I can do better." Suho said as he smirked. Seojun shook his head a bit, his long earing's edges falling on Suho's head. "You bet."

"Let's shower." Suho nodded.

Three hours now. Time ticking.

And they did it in the shower. Taking turns again.

Right now, all that mattered was them and nothing else.

|[To be continued]|

@suseomance I'm so sorry for the late update, I was a bit ill yesterday. But I might update the last chapter today as well. Yes the last chapter :{ But I hope you enjoyed. Love ya💕✨

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