S i x t e e n • E n d •

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(warning: blood and gore ahead)

The sizzling of butter and garlic over the meat and herbs made the whole kitchen fill with mouth watering aroma. Seojun skipped into the kitchen and gave Seojun a back hug, resting his chin on top of Suho's head.

"Mmm smells so good." He hummed with satisfaction. Suho nodded as he pulled a bottle of expensive red wine that his father loved. "Can I have some. I'm hungry. I didn't know you cook so well." Seojun said with puppy eyes. Suho chuckled and he softly bopped his nose. Seojun scrunched up his nose because Suho's hand smelled strongly of garlic.

He placed the steak on the plate with some some salad dressings. "Dig in." Suho said with a loving smile. It felt so heartwarming as Seojun stuffed his mouth smiling like a small kid as the flavours burst with goodness inside his mouth.

As he added the ingredients and pepper he opened a small packet and sprinkled over it with a content smile. Seojun snickered at it. Suho went in and placed the plate on the dinning table. A decent and formal dinner set was spread on the table before them.

"It's set." Suho stated as Seojun walked up to him. Both of their lips crashing together. As Suho pulled the shirt over Seojun's head, they giggled. They were indeed excited. As Suho marked down Seojun's body till his torso he asked him to take his boxers off.

He kissed his thighs and marked the inner part of it. They were going to put the right act. Seojun stopped him before he went further up. "I'm wearing a boxer so you don't have to go up till there, unless you want me to come out in a pair of panties." He smirked. Suho was possessive and he knew it and he growled, "You're not doing that. Not even as a dirty joke." Seojun laughed a hearty laugh and patted Suho's head. "Don't worry."

"Three minutes to go," Suho said as he checked his watch for the last time and gave a peck on Seojun's forehead, on his tippy toes. Seojun smiled down at him, "Don't get yourself in trouble." Suho's eyes sparkled. "I won't."


Suho's father came in with a smile. "Oh smells good." Suho smiled. He was filling his plate and his before anything else, he looked at Suho with a smirk. "You take this. Fill me another." As expected from his cunning father. He smiled as they exchanged their plates. "Sure." He filled his cup of wine and he repeated the same thing. Suho smiled.

There was nothing in the wine anyways. As Suho took his first bite, his father cleared his throat. His food untouched. "Let me exchange that." Suho looked up from his plate, "You know that's rude. Or are you perhaps doubting me?" Suho said with his smooth and calm voice and his eyes narrowed at him. "Of course not." His father said as he recalled never being mistreated by his son but rather him. Maybe that was what was bugging him. Either way he ate up. Nothing happened.

After a good dinner,they heard a door open. Seojun came out rubbing his eyes as if he just woke up. Just on cue. He was shirtless and only in his boxers. (The Tiger skin patterned. Okay I'm sorry I can't stop laughin-)

Mr. Lee eyed him. The marks did look hot on him. Suho saw that and he didn't like it one bit. "Dad, so now can I get what you promised?" The moment Seojun's eyes met with Mr. Lee, he acted surprised. And sure he was good at acting. Okay what wasn't he good at anyway. Maybe his anger control but that was a different situation.

Mr. Lee smirked, "Here." He pulled out the documents. The company was his. The money and everything. But he could care less. He got what he wanted. The freedom. "Also I hope now your boyfriend is your boss so you'll do this job right?" Mr. Lee said. Seojun had a terrified expression on his face. As he moved forward to touch him, Suho said coldly, "Since I'm the new boss, you aren't supposed to touch my employees. As he's mine not yours." Mr. Lee smiled without looking at his son, "I want him. You'll get more better ones. But I'll have him."

Before he could reach him, he fell on his knees. "I told you, he's mine." Suho said with  a dark aura around him. Seojun smirked as he pulled on a shirt and pants from the room he came from earlier. "Why would I hand over myself to you, you murderer." Mr. Lee couldn't speak. The paralyzing powder had reached throughout his body by now and taken effect. Suho walked up to him and pulled out his weapons and devices. He knew where they were. The tracking device and recorder. What not.

He put them in a bag that sat behind the sofa. Suho grabbed a knife from the counter, he looked at his dad with a cold glare, "For my mom, for all the torture and the life you took away."

"For my family and the life you ruined." Seojun said beside him, his eyes gone cold as well. Suho stabbed him on his neck. The blood spluttered out in abundance, Mr. Lee couldn't even talk.

The weak are always the easy prey right?Look who the prey was now.

Suho pulled off his shirt and wipped off the blood with the back of his shirt from his arms. Seojun handed him a new shirt and the placed the shirt right beside his dad who had fallen flat on the ground. He pulled a plastic that was now covered in blood from the knife's handle and tossed it over the shirt as well. He grabbed a liquid from the kitchen and poured it over the bloody  cloth. He then went on opening the gas stove. They could see the life leaving his father's body.

Even though he was paralyzed he could feel the pain in his neck area but he didn't have the energy to scream. The drug seemed to wear off sooner than ever.

Suho smiled as he grabbed Seojun's hands. They ran out of the door and locked it. As they ran a few feet away, Suho lit a fire torch and there it inside his small window that remained opened. And then they rode off in Seojun's bike that rested on the right side of the road. His spot.

And soon they heard the big bang. Suho yelled through the cold wind as he clenched the bag Seojun brought with him, tighter. "You really wanna run away with me?"

Seojun tsked as his eyes glowed wild. "You bet." He yelled back.

Suho had never seen him this happy and excited. And he himself couldn't feel more independent and so confident in his decision.

As of now he could finally do what he wanted.

And they could love eachother without any barriers. Forever.

|[To be continued]|

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