S e v e n

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They had a line up. The bikes were all black. The dark road was lit up with their headlights. But one bike stood far way back. The bikers looked at eachother. And as if they had counted in their heads, they went off together.

Suho tsked as he looked ahead. They would definitely win if they started up ahead. Anyway, the bikes were the same. There was no difference. Seojun yelled through the wild wind, "Start off from the back. Heat your engine. Rapid pace can have a rapid end. So we heat it up yeah?"

Suho just stared at the bikes that were disappearing round the corner one by one. "Don't worry, let's pick up the pace." And then the bike flew forwards. The vibration of the motor had been so rapid that Suho didn't feel it under him anymore. He felt like he was sitting on a flying seat. The wind blew so hard that it knocked on his helmet.

In a flash they had caught up. The bikes were covering the whole road. But just in the blink of an eye Seojun had speed up again and then they had surpassed them. "Hey slow down," Suho yelled through his helmet. " No for safety. Never slow down. Not to get caught up and also for smooth turns," he said as he turned his bike around the corner. It was a smooth move. No wonder Seojun never ended up in an accident.

When they reached the finish line, they didn't stop. Instead they headed to the convenience store. As they got off, Seojun had disappeared into the store for a few minutes. Just when Suho was about to leave himself he saw Seojun gesturing to sit at the seat under the umbrella that was set outside. Suho sat down hesitantly.

Seojun joined him with steaming ramen for each one of them. "I don't eat at this time," Suho said as he eyed it. Seojun shook his head, "Spoil yourself sometimes. Don't be like that," Seojun said as he started digging in. Suho sighed as he started eating.

It actually felt good. To do something against the invisible rule his father set up for him. Suho was having fun. He did forget about all the things. He had just met Seojun but somehow he felt like he was the one thing he needed. To help him break rules.

"Seojun-ah. Teach me." Suho said as he sipped the last of his ramen soup. Seojun looked up from his empty cup. "What? Riding?"

Suho shook his head as he looked at him with a hopeful expression. "To break rules. Live life like you really mean it."

Seojun gave him a side smile. "Sure but what do I get in return?" Suho just blinked. "Oh my god, I think I find you adorable to keep my company?"

Suho didn't say anything as he stared at him again. "Can you keep secrets?" Seojun asked as he knocked on the table softly. "Right you don't talk to anyone. I'll teach you. But be a person who I can vent to. I can trust you yeah?"

Suho nodded. All he wanted was to get freedom. But he didn't know how to live it through. Maybe this could help. Suho stood up abruptly. "I'm late. I'll do what you say but we'll talk about it more." As he said this, he combed through his hair a bit. After buttoning up and wearing his coat, he was back to being formal.

Seojun eyed him carefully while stroking his chin. Suho caught his stare and he smoothened his coat a bit. He knew he looked hot and he wasn't going to miss the chance of getting the attention he oddly enjoyed only if it weren't for one damned person, again.

His dad.

|[To be continued]|

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