F o u r

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Stage one: Denial.

The moment Suho stepped into the game. Seojun was mesmerised. His muscles were out in full display now as the long sleeve shirt had now turned to the half sleeved games shirt. The way his bangs stuck on the sides of his forehead due to sweat and the way the shirt stuck on his body. He could see all those muscle he hid. He had a warm tone to his skin. This guy was fit.

But of course Seojun didn't admit it. He was too used to getting all the attention. He didn't like the way the attention was being divided into two half.

Seojun shook his head a bit and ran to get the ball. He swiftly took the ball, throwing it in the air. The ball shot forward furiously inside the net. The students in his team cheered. But after a few times the game came to an end.

One point. Suho's team won. "You're pretty good," Seojun said as he looked at Suho with distaste. Suho just hummed. Seojun was just a few inches taller than Suho so he had to look up at him.

The moment their eyes met again, the same feeling flowed through eachother's body but somehow it was different this time. Seojun didn't have any idea that the shorter was thinking about his small interaction with the teacher. Suho kind of was curious about the guy before him. He was pretty...different. But that didn't change the fact that he disliked him. He was more of a mess. No organisation at all.

Maybe since he was the future boss, he was trained to have everything perfect and to the point since he was young. He was more of a practically organised boy. Soon he would be able to get the freedom that was enough for him to do anything he wanted. Maybe that freedom would help him.

They had been staring at eachother for quite a while. The light from the window shone in eachother's faces. For the first time, both of them had a good look of the eachother's face.

Seojun smirked, "Find me attractive don't you? I know I'm handsome." He said as he ruffled his hair. His long earrings dangled and reflected the sunlight at Suho's eyes. He didn't flinch at the brightness. He just blinked at him and stared at him as the taller walked away with his smirk intact.

Great Suho was very curious about him. But he was in denial. He just blinked at the empty spot where Seojun once stood for the last time and turn towards the changing room.

That was his first day.

Suho couldn't sleep at night as he stared at his ceiling wide awake. It was a small interaction but he did know that he had a long day ahead. He needed sleep. But the moment he closed his eyes he saw the image of Seojun with his flashy accessories, staring at the ball with wild and raw excitement as he shot the ball. His grey eyes shone so bright. The silly smirk of his. The pride he held about how handsome he was. Suho found it cute. No denying he was good-looking.

He clicked his tongue as he ruffled his hair and sat up. He grabbed his laptop from the nightstand. His bangs were started to get longer. He pushed it sideways to get it off of his eyes. He typed in a fast pace.

The laptop blinked. Most of the times it blinked a pretty good amount as it filled with the data he wanted but it didn't blink more then two times.

He got four things. His name, age as nineteen, male and no more details. Suho frowned. It had been a while since he was bothered this big. "Han Seo Jun...I remember I saw it on his name tag. Or did I mispell-"

A photo of a thirteen year-old popped up. He was flashing a handsome smile towards the camera with a bit of his dimple visible on his left cheek. And that was it for the data recorded about him.

Suho felt a small tug of his lips. "Han Seo Jun, who exactly are you?"

|[To be continued]|

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