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𝙭𝙭𝙞. NO ONE


˚ WAAAAITTT! eren pulled back and blankly stared at you, you stood up from laying down. "let's just chill for right now." eren tilted his head to the side slightly and was lost for a second then sat beside you with a snicker.

"you're just scared i might break your cervix again." you shoved him and he kept laughing as you sucked your teeth. "dude you already have and you should be glad, i ain't in no hospital."

you poked your finger against the side of his head. "you right, it'll be funny to tell the doctor that my dick is the reason you're in a wheelchair." he let out another cackle and laid back, pulling you closer to him. "that's not funny, people actually get wheelchairs for that."

his head picked up with his eyebrow furrowed. "you deadass? people actually get wheelchairs from being penetrated by a big cock?" you nodded.

"yeah, august alsina happens to did that to a girl a few years back." his eyebrows raised up and let out a whistle, he looked at you with curiousity if he should make you end up in a hospital but you'll kill him and he's not going to risk that. "did the girl forgive him?"

"no, she sued him." eren was holding back a laughter but let it out with his hand covering his mouth. "it's funny, eren?" he let out a scream like then stopped with his face all straight.

"nobody told her ass to get fucked in the first place, she seen the size but still took it. i don't even feel bad." he rolled his eyes and went down to rest his head on your stomach wrapping his arms around up. "you don't feel bad for shit, do you?" you pulled his scruchie off and played with his hair─ damn that shit was soft and long, he should let his hair out.

"yeah i don't, people tends to argue with me from how crucial i be saying to them like i give a fuck. they're bunch of pussies that can't handle either the truth or my opinion." you can't but smile, you find his rude version attractive even though you be quick to put him in his place.

"i feel you, people are pussies especially on tiktok." he let out a low growl sound of you mentioning that app. "i fucking hate that app, it's filled with problematic bitches that talks their shit behind a phone." his nails dug into your skin and you let out a hum, he loosened up.

"sorry, did i hurt you?" his eyes looked up to you and they were so pretty every time. "no i'm okay, it just took me by surprise that's all."

he nodded and rested his head again, his hand went underneath your shirt and caresses your skin. you placed his long hair in a messy high bun then laid back down with his hand gripping your thighs, you pressed your lips together that you were feeling turned on but you let it be and got on your phone.

"since we like each other, does that make us a couple now?" your face scrunched up and he looked up to you, you moved your phone. "no, one of us would have to ask each other out-"

"-would you be my girlfriend?" he cut you off and you didn't even finished. "no." eren scoffed from your answer as you let out a laugh doing that on purpose.

"but you said ask one of each other out."

"i know what i said, if you didn't cut me off than i would've told you." you rolled your eyes at him and he pinch your rib making you yelp, you pulled his hair and he also let out a yelp. he pinched you tighter having you let go of his hair. "eren stop! you're going to peel my skin off!"

"but i like seeing you in pain." eren let out a snicker and you scowled at him. "fucking sadist, let go before i call armin to kick your ass."

he let go and you winced seeing his nails made a mark. "armin not goin' do shit to me, i love the man but he can't beat me." you let out a cackle and shook your head. "he can but that's a different conversation."

"i'm so serious, we can link up and have a whole boxing match." you kept laughing and went on your phone. "sure, don't say nothing when he beats you."

"he won't, i promise you." you shook your head kept scrolling on your instagram but seeing eren boxing with no shirt on─ whew, you'd like to see that.

"y'all this is my girlfriend. baby be honest when you look at me, do you get butterflies in your ᶜᵒᵒᶜʰᶤᵉ ?" your face twisted and moved your phone, eren was recording you and you instantly slapped his phone causing it to fall off his hand. "it was a simple question!"

"i don't care and i'm not your girlfriend... yet." you mumbled the last part and he caught that, he crawled up to you moving your phone away. "just be my girlfriend now, i promise you won't regret it."

you gave him a stank look. "you make it seem like it's an offer."

"because it is, you know how many bitches want to be my girlfriend and i'd always tell him no yet they keep pestering me until i cut them off." eren sounded like a self centered bastard right now, you don't know how girls would like that─ you rolled your eyes that you were one of them, what a coincidence.

"is that right? you know how many boys want me to be their girlfriend?" his face scrunched up and wrapped his hand around your neck. "yeah and i don't blame them. you have a pretty face and perfect body and plus i love the way your body quivers every time i get... this... close."

his lips brushed against your cheek then up to your ear, you squirmed a little. he chuckled deviously and your eyelid twitched of how fine this man laughs like that. "we're suppose to be chilling, eren."

he rolled his eyes as his thumb grazed your bottom lip. "we are, i just want to have a little fun." your eyebrow furrowed at him.

"this is fun to you? making me hot and bothered?" eren smirked as his lower half of his body grind sensually on your pelvis, you cussed under breath. "yeah, it's quite a pretty sight."

you rolled your eyes and moved his hand away, his hands went down and wrapped your legs around his waist then rest his head on your chest. "do you think mikasa would approve of us?"

eren forgot about mikasa and most of the times she would be quick to scare the girl away every time. "yeah, you both are strong and she'll like that about you."

"still even if i'm strong-" his finger went up to your lips to shush you. "i'm trying to sleep here." you smacked his hand away and sucked your teeth.

"fine but this conversation is not over, you hear me."

"mhm." eren rest his eyes and hugged you tighter. a smile crept up your lips and hugged him back, resting your eyes to drift off to sleep as well.

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