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YOU GUYS ARE WHAT?! nikki shouted and you side eyed away with your arms crossed, slouching against the couch. "yeah, i think we broke up." nikki's face scrunched up at you then shook her head.

"ain't no thinking, it's either you know or you don't." you shurgged apathetically not caring if you two broke up or not even though you spent your all with dude for 8 months. "you really don't know?"

you shrugged again and crossed your arms more with you looking away. "damn, i'm surprise you're not crying about this. i would've been balling boyyyyy." she chuckled and looked at you, you had on that straight face with a little pout that you're surprised too. "yeah, me too. tch, guess that relationship ain't worth it then."

nikki's eyebrow raised up and looked dead at your eyes, you look like you wanted to breakdown. you haven't cried when your ex did you wrong multiple times and now that you and eren parted ways, she sees that you were really in love with dude.

"uh huh so if i asked you are you okay? would you break down?" you chewed on your lip and crossed your arms more with your nails gripping on the robe sleeves. "...no." nikki pursed her lips that you're lying and you've been acting like you don't have feelings when really you do but you don't want to express them.

"that's a lie, watch this..." she cleared her throat and held your hand making you face her. "are you okay?" nikki looks so soft along with her words all caring behind it, you blinked your eyes a couple times and felt your face and body getting all warm.

your lip quivered along with your eyes getting all glossy, you shook your head and let out a small weep. "nikki." your voice cracked up as she pulled you for a hug with her aweing that you wasn't okay.

her hand patted your back with comfort as you gripped on her shirt, weeping and sobbing about how eren hates you over one simple mistake and how he needed the key back- the key you guys trust each other and now that it's gone, he is as well. "it's okay, baby. let it all out, imma kill that fool when i see him lacking."

she patted your back some more and you cried even harder that your heart was crushed, you don't usually cry over a guy but eren wasn't just any guy- he made you feel like you're on top of the world and with him aside with you, you felt like nothing could stop the both of you but of course there was a few obstacles that was hard to get rid of but he still stood beside you.

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