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eren took a deep breath and knock on your door then backed up from the door waiting for your answer, it's been two days since the incident between you and him. after his conversation with levi, he came to his senses that he shouldn't let some misunderstanding get in between you two and he hopes you didn't move on.

there was no response and went over to the window to see the lights were off, maybe she's asleep. he thought to himself but then he checked the time to see it was 2:34pm. there's no way you could be sleeping right now, he knocked on the door again and there was still no response.

he went on his phone and twisted his lip that it's been a while since he checked your location. your contact was still 'short temper baby' and he's surprised he hasn't deleted your contact off his phone. he refresh the location and see your little blip was near your house. his eyebrow raised up that you were driving back home, he placed the phone back in his pocket as he leaned against the wall and waited for you to show up.

he really hopes you wouldn't lash out on him.

༻ 𝐒 𝐓 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐒 ༺

you pulled up to your house and parked by the curb as you always do, you turned off the ignition and placed the phone off of speaker. "...yeah nikki, imma get your sweater but you owe me though."

she chuckled. "yeah, yeah, yeah." you rolled your eyes and hung up as you closed your car door with your hip. you felt pretty good knowingly you're still kind of hurt but not as much as before, your friends cheered you up every day and also blessed you with some wings and fries. you smiled to yourself that you remember your mini hangout with levi, his blushing was still living rent free in your head.

you beeped your car locked as your head picked up, spotting eren from the distance. your heart started beating hard and fast that you were so happy not seeing his face anymore, now here he is outside your house with his arms crossed. you quickly turned around as eren's jaw clenched that you were going to leave.

"wait! wait!" he followed after you as you swiftly unlocked your car door to let yourself in. "wait, hear me out gorgeous!" your body heated up that he has the audacity to still call you that, you stopped walking before you could go around your car.

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