Pahina 26

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"Tell the accounting department that I need their reports, asap. And get me some wine. I need a drink." I commanded to my secretary while I was signing some papers.

"Yes sir." I heard him said immediately.

He immediately run off outside my office. I sighed heavily as he leaves. I stop signing the papers fora few minute and massage my temple feeling a little bit stress.

Damn it.

Sumadal ako sa swivel chair at pumikit.

I sigh and dear my head and relaxed it.

Damn, I feel so exhausted. I need to see my baby right now.

I grinned like an idiot when I thought her. She's so fuckin' innocent and she's mine. Kaya hindi ako makatulog kagabi dahil sa kanya. My mind was debating whether to confess what I truly feel for her. I'm kind of scared of what would be her reaction.

I open my eyes and I settled my sight to her picture in my table. Kinuha ko ito at tinitigan. I admit it, I'm fuckin' obsess with her. She's like my drug that I'll be willing to take forever.

I kissed her picture and returned it to my table. It's settled. I'm gonna tell her that I love her. Whether she'll like it or not, she gonna be officially mine.

Forever. I'm not gonna let her go now.

Akin lang siya.

I was taken back from my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door.

I sighed.

"Come in." I said coldly.

I continued my work and didn't spare a single glance at my secretary. Inabot niya ang wine sa'kin and I immediately drank it.

"Did you get it?" tanong ko sa kanya katapos kong uminom. Damn, that wine taste good.

"Get what babe?" I heard a woman's voice.

I stopped and looked up and saw a woman wearing a red dress. I saw a smirk plastered at her caked face. The hell, anong ginagawa ng bitch na ’to dito?

"Miss me?" I rolled my eyes mentally as she used her seductive voice.

"What the hell are you doing here, Samantha?" I irratedly asked.

I feel disgusted when she pouted her lips at me. She walk slowly towards my table.

"Why babe? Don't you miss me? Maybe you to have some fun, huh?" she bit her lips.

I dodge my head as she tried to touch my face with her filthy hand. Dam this woman. She doesn't understand what 'fuck buddy' is. What a fvckin'slut.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Samantha?! Get the fuck out of my office!"

Papatalsikin ko kung sino mang bastardo ang nagpapasok sa kanya dito. I'll make sure he or she will pay big time.

She just bit her lips seductively that makes me want to puke. What the hell is she trying to do with that? She thinks she can seduce me? Heck no!

The Possessive Man's Girl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon