The Crows

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It had been a lot darker recently. I thought to myself. I stared up at the sky letting the cold breeze settle on my face.

"Hey" Kageyama walked up behind me placing his hand on my shoulder. "Aren't you going to that coffee shop with the others?" Kageyama asked.

"Oh yeah I was lost in thought for a second." I  looked in front of me to see everyone else already far ahead. We eventually caught up to the others who were laughing about how Kageyama had spiked a ball at my head earlier.

"This is where we part ways then." Suga smiled at Kageyama and waved as he walked in the opposite direction.

"See you guys tomorrow." He wasn't facing us as he said it but he placed his hands in his pockets and lowered his head to the ground walking off into the distance.

I had been quiet for a while until a lump filled my throat and I ended up speaking without thinking.
"I wish we could tell him sometimes." Everyone turned around to face me so I kept staring at the floor.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Tsukishima glared at me. I could feel his sharp gaze piercing my skin.
"Not now Tsukishima let's go." Daichi walked off and the others followed. Suga looked at me and sympathy filled his eyes.

"Hey." He placed his hands under my chin and lifted my head until we were looking at each-other.
"Its gonna be okay we just can't tell him it's too dangerous." Suga pulled me into a soft hug.
"Yeah I know." I sighed.

We caught up with the others and headed into our favourite coffee shop. The door had a loud bell that chimed every time someone entered. "Oi shrimp." Tsukki called from a table in the far corner. "We got you a coffee." Yamaguchi smiled and beckoned me over.

"I'm sorry for being so cold earlier." Tsukki hardly ever apologises I think he just felt sorry for me.

"It's okay I was just being stupid." I didn't look up as I said this instead I just continued sipping my coffee. It would be dangerous. How stupid could I be. Why did I have to fall in love with him of all people. His dad works at the CCG and that's probably where he's headed to. I have to stop loving him.

A news broadcast caught the groups attention.
"Ghoul attacks are starting to become more common in the Tokyo area with the presence of ghoul groups known as The Cats, The Crows and The Owls."

"Why do we have to be associated with The Owls we aren't anything like them." I sighed and everyone went silent.

Suga cut off the television feed and started cleaning the counters. On Mondays they closed the Coffee shop so that ghouls could gather. Suga and Daichi had a part time job at the Coffee shop so we always dropped by. There weren't many ghouls where we lived. It was only really Me, Suga, Kiyoko, Yachi, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. There were a few others scattered around including the ones who ran the Coffee shop. Coach Ukai was a ghoul as well. He helped us out a lot with finding places to live and stuff like that. The big city was teaming with ghouls in comparison to our town.

Most of us didn't have family. Daichi and Suga live at the Coffee shop so they could work. Kiyoko and Yachi rent an apartment with two girls from school. Asahi, Nishinoya and Tanaka live with Tanka's older sister. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and me live in coach Ukai's old apartment.

The others decided to watch a movie but I think I fell asleep at the table. I had been really tired recently. There hadn't been a lot of time to eat and the only way to suppress my hunger was by trying to sleep. The CCG had been keeping an eye on this area because of ghoul attacks from a group known as "The Crows." Of course that was us. We don't like attacking people but it's the only way we can survive.

"Oi shrimp" I was jolted awake by Tsukishima shaking me violently.

"Yeah, yeah I'm awake jeez." I rubbed my eyes and tried to stand but couldn't catch my balance.

"I'll carry you home." Tsukishima beckoned for me to climb onto his back. I was going to decline but realised how exhausted I actually was.

On the way home I was silent sometimes listening in on the others conversation. I must have fallen asleep but I woke up to Tsukki placing me on my bed. He smiled.

"Things will get better I promise." Tsukki was rarely ever this kind.

It was raining the next day. A cold, gloomy day. I opened the curtains and stared out the window. 'Great I have to bike to school in this.' Hinata thought to himself.

Usually Yamaguchi and Tsukishima left just before me because I liked to ride my bike alone. I'm pretty outgoing so biking to school is the only alone time I get. Recently everyone's been walking home together out of fear of the CCG.

In the past year everything's changed. Last year in January Hinata's family were targeted by the CCG they took Natsu and his mum. Hinata wasn't home when it happened so he doesn't know why they were targeted. Luckily Kageyama didn't know about Hinata's family and nobody came after him. He doesn't know if his family is dead or alive but he can't go looking for them and it breaks his heart.

At volleyball practice the atmosphere was off. It felt like the calm before a storm.

I thought it was kind of lucky. A group of Ghouls came together and formed a volleyball team. Well, the majority of them were ghouls.

"Have you guys heard about the Dove killer recently." Kageyama asked whilst packing up his stuff. Everyone paused and looked around. The atmosphere in the gym somehow became even heavier. "You know what never mind." He picked up his bag and left.

"Wait Kageyama." I chased him and tugged on his jacket pulling him back towards me. "Why are you running off are you okay?" I didn't let go of his jacket.

"Yes Hinata I'm fine." Kageyama shrugged me off.
"You don't seem fine." I grabbed his wrist but Kageyama pulled his arm away and put his headphones on.

"I wanna be alone right now." Kageyama walked away leaving me with a sinking feeling in my chest.

Suga ran outside and saw me staring at Kageyama as he walked away, the rain pouring down my face. Suga said nothing but put his arm around my shoulder and took me back inside.

Whilst Kageyama was walking home the rain started to get heavier. The same thoughts kept racing through his mind. His dad had said there's a chance 'the Dove killer' could be in their city. But the part that bothered him the most was that Hinata was a ghoul. If his sister Natsu was a ghoul like his father had said then so was Hinata.

Kageyama didn't hate Hinata for being a ghoul. After all it wasn't his fault he was born a ghoul. He just couldn't think of him the same knowing he had killed people.

Kageyama decided to take the shortcut through an ally which would take him past the coffee shop. Something felt off as soon as he walked in. It was like he was being watched. He picked up his pace a little and took his headphones off so he could hear. He was startled at the sound of another pair of footsteps creeping up behind him. He spun around to see a girl with deep red eyes in a white dress looking up at him.


Crows // Haikyuu x Tokyo ghoul crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now