Masked Murderers

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"And then just as we started High School Coach Ukai let me, Yams and Tsukki to live in his old apartment."

"That was a very long story." Kageyama laughed and took a deep breath.
We were sat on a bench outside of an apartment complex, I was leaning into Kageyama's side trying to keep warm. I didn't notice that his arms were wrapped around me until I had finished telling him everything I knew. I didn't want to move because he was so comforting and warm.

"That's why I kind of just let Tsukki be mean to me, because he saved me."
"Didn't he trying killing you first though?" He looked down at me and I pulled away from the hug and stood up.

"Well yeah but that's not the point. Anyway we're going up there."
I pointed up to the top floor of a four story building and Kageyama stood up and followed me. We raced each other up the steps and arrived at a red door. I knocked loudly and heard someone skipping towards the door. It opened slowly and a lanky guy with spiky red hair stared at us.

"Hinata!" He ruffled my hair and opened the door wide allowing us inside.
"Tendo?" Kageyama asked. At this point he wasn't surprised that he was a ghoul. Everyone he knew seemed to be one. He could tell Tendo was a ghoul by his scent. One thing Kageyama noticed when he found out he was a ghoul, was that humans and ghouls have very different scents.

"That's my name." The spiky red haired boy replied. He did a small dance and walked over to a grab a small folder from his draw. The room was painted a dark red and there were masks and skateboards hanging on the walls. It was dimly lit and the curtains only half open. There was a small black sofa and a flat screen TV. The room smelt like aftershave. Tendo sat at a small desk that had pages and pages of mask designs.

Three masks caught Kageyama's attention a clown mask, a crow mask and yellow mask that had a smile on it.

"Hey Boke." I looked over to see Kageyama staring at a row of masks on the wall.
"Is that Tsukishima's old mask?" He asked.
"I actually don't know." I responded.

Tendo walked over squeezing between us.
"Yep the classic smiler. One of the first infamous masks I made." He looked oddly proud of himself, it was a pretty basic mask after all.
"Tsukki returned it just before he moved to Miyagi." He sat back down at his desk, dragged Kageyama with him and pulled out a stool for him to sit on.

"Crow mask?" Tendo took out a tape measure and started measuring Kageyama's face.
"Uh I don't really care." Kageyama said bluntly.
"A crow mask is fine." I said taking a seat on the sofa across the room.

Tendo started taking notes and sketching a design. He went to pick up his coffee but accidentally spilled it all over the desk.
"Ah sorry." He started cleaning it up and Kageyama noticed a chocolate bar in the draw of his desk.
"Hey Tendo, why have you got a chocolate bar, you're a ghoul aren't you?"
He turned around confused for a second.
"Oh that. Yeah that's Wakatoshi's, he was here about an hour ago. I had to lock it in the draw. The smell of it made me want to puke."

"I'm surprised your entire team isn't full of ghouls as well."
Tendo laughed.
"For some reason volleyball seems to attract ghouls. But I'm the only one on my team. It actually gets kinda lonely sometimes."

Tendo ripped out a new piece of paper and started re drawing his design, seeing as the last one had been stained with coffee. He started staring at the page intently and biting the rubber on the end of his pen.

"Hmmmm what do you want to be unique about your mask?"
Kageyama thought for a second but was interrupted by Tendo.
"I have an idea!" His eyes lit up.
"Have you ever heard of the eyepatch ghoul." As he thought about it more, he had. His dad used to talk about the eye patch ghoul all the time, he gave the CCG quite a bit of trouble.

"Yeah I have."

I looked over intrigued at the conversation and Tendo started drawing more intensely.
"What if we incorporate your eyepatch into the mask. You could be like the eyepatch crow or something." Kageyama was so confused. Why was Tendo so excited about these masks?

"Hey Tendo why do you like making masks so much. I mean, it's not really a good thing is it?"
Tendo paused for a second and started tapping his pen on the table.
"Well I guess not. Ghouls wear masks for their own safety. If the doves catch you without a mask, you're pretty much done for."

I turned up the volume on the TV a bit, that conversation made me kind of uncomfortable. I hated thinking about the doves catching us. Especially now that I had Kageyama with me.

"I guess I make these masks so that ghouls can define themselves without actually being seen. It's stupid, I doubt anybody else thinks of it that way."
Nobody really said anything after that. When Tendo was done measuring and designing Kageyama's mask he offered us Coffee so we stayed for a while.

Kageyama started leaning into me again, he wrapped his arms around my neck and placed his head on my shoulder. He had been really clingy recently. Not that I cared. He looked at me dead in the eyes for a second and then kissed my forehead. I leaned into his chest and fell asleep.

I was jolted awake to a call from Daichi. I picked up the phone not realising the time.
"Where the hell are are you two? It's almost 10pm!"
"Ah sorry Daichi we'll be back soon we're leaving now."
"Where have you been for the last five hours?"
"Well uh, we kinda fell asleep at Tendo's place."
"Get your asses back now." Daichi hung up. Kageyama was awake now too.

"Shit he's mad." Kageyama said.
"Yep." We stood up and Tendo started laughing.
"So are you guys dating or?"
We both stood awkwardly facing away from each other and blushing. I didn't even know what was happening between us, I just went with it.

"Okay, I see." Tendo stood up and showed us out.
"I'll call Ukai and tell him when you can collect your mask. Bye, bye now." Tendo closed the door and we heard him skip away humming again.

"We should run." I said grabbing Kageyama's wrist.
"Wait Hina-."
Before he had a chance to speak we were running down the icy streets and laughing. We got to a street that was slightly more icy than the rest and I slipped over falling back into Kageyama's arms.

"Idiot." I turned around to face Kageyama and started laughing hysterically. I paused and put my hands up to the sky.
"It's snowing." I smiled up at the stars and felt a warm hand cradling my neck. Kageyama pulled me closer to him and put his other arm around my waist.


Before I had a chance to say anything his lips were against mine. They were soft. And it was warm. It only lasted a few seconds but it was the happiest i'd felt in a long time and the safest.

He pulled away and we stared at eachother for a while.
"I love you." He said.
I blushed and looked away. He grabbed my chin and turned my head back around to face him.
"Aren't you going to say it back?"
"I love you too."
We held eachother for a second and then I remembered Daichi on the phone. He was seriously going to kill us.

"Shoot we need to get back."

We both began running again until we arrived at the door behind the ally. It was already open so we closed it behind us. We tried to sneak in but then we heard someone call us from the living room.

"Where have you two love birds been?" Tsukishima looked over at us smirking. I didn't realise I was still holding Kageyama's hand and we both quickly let go.
"Well?" Daichi emerged from a dark corner of the room, it was kind of scary actually, I didn't even realise he was there.
We both lowered our heads.
"Sorry Daichi."
He hit us both around the head.
"Don't worry me like that again, go to bed."

Tsukishima was chuckling in the corner of the room.
"Oh stop laughing I see you with Yams all the time!"Kageyama laughed at me as I said this, facepalming.
"So where are we sleeping?"
"Oh. the sofa bed." Tsukki got up. "I only stayed up to see you guys get told off, goodnight." He left the room and closed the door behind him.

We got the sofa bed out and by the time we were actually in bed it was already 11:30 pm. We laid down facing opposite directions and I listened to Kageyamas steady breathing. A few minutes later I leant over Kageyama taking his arm and pulling it around myself. He ran his fingers through my hair for a while until eventually we both fell asleep.

*this chapter turned into an entire kagehina chapter which was not the intention lmfao.* 😭


Crows // Haikyuu x Tokyo ghoul crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now