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He toppled over on himself he felt his stomach churning, every inch of his body hurt with an indescribable pain. It was unlike anything he had felt before.

His body urged him to throw up the toxins that scarred his throat as he attempted to filter out the gasoline like meat. This meat, was the meat of deceased ghouls. Kageyama had no other choice but to devour every piece he was tossed like a rampaging animal. It was utter hell.

Every bite he took was doused with an unnamed chemical substance. All he did know, was that it was pure agony. His voice became ragged and raspy as he attempted to swallow every bite.

Kageyama didn't believe in hell, but if there was such a thing, he was sure this was it.

Hinata must've fallen asleep downstairs last night. Kenma could tell by the way countless failed plans and theories lay sprawled out messily across the counter.

Today, Karasuno would be moving locations. At a time of such uncertainty and unease it felt wrong for the group to split. But it wasn't safe to remain where they were. The group was basically being split in half, they weren't exactly a long distance apart it was just going to be inconvenient.

They had arranged meeting places and times to discuss certain plans. When they were ready, they would infiltrate Cochlea and free their friend.

"You don't understand, I need him back. I need him here. If they kill him I don't know how I'll live." Hinata said. He had spoken many different variations of these words over the past few days. His desperation was eating him alive.

"Hinata if you don't get going we'll leave you behind!" Daichi called out from the car. Although Hinata was completely spaced out, all he could focus on was the action plan. The most important thing to him right now was freeing his friend.

"Hey." Two hands clapped together right in front of his face summoning him out of his trance. "We have to leave." Kenma continued to direct him out of the building, knowing that if he didn't he would stay there all day at the desk, daydreaming about freeing his friend.

The journey went by quickly, most of it being spent in silence. Kenma, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Hinata were moved into a coffee shop ran by ghouls. They weren't so popular before, but these days they have been growing in popularity.

When they arrived, they found the place very welcoming. It felt so warm. The entire entrance was covered with plants.

The cafe was closed when they arrived, but the people running it were also very kind.

"Hello, i'm Fumihito Ito, nice to meet you." The old man proceeded to shake everyone's hands. "We also have a few others here, Ayaka is at the table over there, Kairi and Haru will be back soon."

"Thankyou for having us." Kuroo smiled. Everyone was genuinely appreciative, it would be nice to have a safe place to stay. For once they wouldn't have to be watching their backs.

"It's not a problem at all don't you worry. It will be nice to have a few new faces working on the cafe." Ito smirked, he then continued into another room.

"You didn't tell us we would be working?" Hinata piped up, he looked over to Kuroo for answers but he seemed just as confused.

"Oh yeah. The old man will let you live here for free as long as you work in the cafe. It's kinda a deal we have." Ayaka interrupted.

"Move out of my way Haru i'm the one holding the crates!" A brown haired girl braved her way in.

"Okay, okay. Don't pull your hair out." The other replied. Walking even slower than before. "Oh hey." He finally said when he noticed the others.

"Oh my god, sorry didn't see you guys there!" The packages flew out of Kairi's arms and onto the floor.

"You must be the new guys, I'm Haru, but I assume the old man already introduced you." Just like Ito, he shook everyone's hands. This man was also very welcoming. It must be the experience of working in hospitality that gave him such a presence.

"Pardon my rudeness." Kuroo began. "But we've all had a long day, is it okay if we head to bed?" He asked, mainly for the sake of Hinata who looked even more mentally drained than before.

"No, that's fine! Of course! Right this way!" Kairi led everyone straight to their rooms. The only person who got a single bedroom was Kuroo, everyone else had bunk beds.

The room was small, although it had a large glass window that overlooked the lower part of the city. It was peaceful. Hinata pressed his hand against the window and looked out for a moment.

"It's starting to rain."

He let out an agonising screech as he continued to devour every piece of flesh they threw his way. The pains in his lower back and chest were excruciating, like a fire growing within him. What exactly were they doing?

"That's enough for today." The blonde women stated. With that they began leading him back to his cell.

His body was weak. His mind was weak. All he wanted to do was escape, but nobody was coming for him. There was nothing he could do.

"So Kageyama, I never introduced myself. Sorry, hospitality isn't really my thing. I'm Mio Hara, a scientist here." She spoke as if he cared, even in the slightest. Getting acquainted with these 'scientists' was the last thing on his mind.

As they walked past the only glass window in the building Kageyama heard the familiar pattering of water. Is it raining? He thought.

Just before he could get a glimpse of the outside world he was tossed back into his cell, thrown back into a pit of darkness.

"What exactly are you planning to do the kid Mio?" A man asked, lighting a cigarette.

"Mind your business." She snapped.

She stretched her hand out into the open from under the shelter. Storm clouds light up as lightning struck the earth. A downpour of water began to fall from the heavens

"It's starting to rain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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Crows // Haikyuu x Tokyo ghoul crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now