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The next day Kageyama was discharged early in the morning. However, he hasn't managed to eat a thing for the past two weeks and he was starving.
He laid down on his bedroom floor staring at the ceiling. He was so hungry and could feel his stomach growling at him. This hunger was different from any other hunger he had felt before. He could smell something sweet something he could eat. The smell consumed him.

He walked downstairs to the kitchen and tried eating some meat buns but they tasted disgusting. Like mud and dust. He forced himself to swallow whatever he could eat no matter how disgusting it tasted.
Later that night he was in the bathroom trying to stop himself from puking.
"Why can't I just eat?" He thought to himself.
"I'm so hungry."
Kageyama led on the bathroom floor not being able to move until he heard his door open.

"Kageyama?" That voice it sounds like....
"Hinata?" He called from the bathroom.
I ran up the stairs and saw Kageyama laying down on the bathroom floor clutching his stomach in pain.

I knelt down and lifted Kageyama placing his head on my legs and holding him close.
"What happened?" I asked with a concerned tone.
"I'm in pain." Kageyama sat up and placed his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. I returned the hug keeping Kageyama close to me in an attempt to comfort him. He looked so exhausted, it hurt to see him like this.

I decided to text Suga and explained what was going on. About five minutes later he walked in finding me and Kageyama on the bathroom floor.
"What's going on?" Suga asked.

Kageyama was almost asleep at this point resting his head on my shoulder. But he turned around at the sound of a voice.
We both looked at him with wide eyes. Like we had just seen a ghost or something.
When Kageyama looked up his left eye was glowing a dark shade of red.

Suga placed his hands over his mouth his eyes started filling up with tears. I cupped my hands around Kageyama's face placing my forehead on his.
"I'm sorry." I tried to speak softly to stop myself from crying.

Suga called Ukai and explained the situation. He drove straight over to Kageyama's house and found him asleep resting on me in the bathroom.
The three of us lifted him into the back of the coach's car and took him to the Coffee shop. We laid him down in one of the spare rooms and let him rest there.

I explained everything to the group and they all stared in silence.
"Is that even possible?" Tanaka asked.
"I heard about those kind of experiments happening but I didn't know people could actually survive them." Tanaka placed his hands on his chin like he was trying to solve a problem.

"So, Kageyama is a ghoul now?" Tsukishima looked up at me in disbelief.
"Yeah but only his left eye seems to change colour."
"How are we going to tell him? I don't think he even knows he's a ghoul." I sighed and leaned back in my chair as I closed my eyes.
"Me and you will tell him we'll have Ukai there as well." Suga said gazing out of the window. His voice sounded hollow but somehow filled with sadness at the same time.

Kageyama woke up to the three of us staring at him. He sat up in the dim lit room and looked around.
"Where am I?" He yawned as he spoke his voice was slightly raspy.
"My place." Suga took a seat next to him.
"We need to talk to you." Ukai was leaning against the wall looking up at the ceiling.
He might not even believe them at first. That's what they were all thinking anyway.

"Kageyama, you're a ghoul." Suga couldn't look at him as he said this the idea of it made him feel heavy. He said it so matter of fact. I mean, it wasn't exactly easy telling somebody they were no longer human.

Kageyama's eyes widened as he looked down at his hands. His vision became blurry as his eyes filled with tears. The static in the room suddenly became irritating and he covered his ears letting the tears roll down his face.

Crows // Haikyuu x Tokyo ghoul crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now