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I woke up the next day in Kageyama's arms. I noticed a scar going down his stomach. It must have been from that night. It made me sad thinking about it. The pain of knowing he might not make it, waiting for him to wake up. It hadn't even been a month since then but it felt like an eternity ago.

"Boke." Kageyama ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead.
"Oh, uh morning?" I wasn't used to him kissing me yet so I got flustered when he did.

He sat up and rubbed his face.
"What time is it?"
"7am." I replied.
"We should probably put this bed back before the others wake up." He said yawning. We put the bed away and I walked over to the kitchen.
"Coffee?" I asked.
"Yeah, thanks." He was still putting away the bedding. About an hour later Suga walked in.

"You guys!" We were both watching TV and were startled at his voice. He walked over to us and hit our heads with his book.
"Ow what was that for?" Kageyama rubbed the back of his head and looked up at him narrowing his eyes.
"I told you to be back before dark!" He started making coffee cursing at us under his breath. Daichi walked in completely ignoring us, helping him make coffee.

About an hour later Tsukishima walked in to see Kageyama with his arm around my shoulders. He laughed and teased us.
"Good morning love birds."
Yamaguchi walked up behind Tsukishima leaning on his back.
"Tsukki cuddles." He said.
I laughed.
"Good morning lovebirds." I spoke to Tsukki with a sarcastic tone.
"Tsk." He sat on the opposite sofa Yams was still tired and feel asleep on his shoulder.

We all decided to stay off school that day and watch movies. Usually when we got together like this it was because something bad had happened. So it was nice to just relax with everyone for once.

"I feel really single right now." Tanaka said looking around at the couples in the room.
"Actually same." Kuroo said.
"Aren't you dating Kenma?" Suga asked.
"Well I'm supposed to be. But I think he's married to his switch."

Kenma narrowed his eyebrows in embarrassment and quickly turned around kissing Kuroo on the cheek then hiding behind his game again.
"Oooooooo" the whole room started laughing and teasing Kenma. He got really uncomfortable and left the room taking Kuroo with him. His blushing face was a rare sight.

"We're heading back when the school day is over." Daichi said.

Later on that day we left on the minibus waving at the others. Those two days felt like a hundred years to me.

A month later:
February 28th.

Everything had been going smoothly the past month. Kageyama moved in with Daichi and Suga. Sometimes he slept over at mine or I stayed at his. We were pretty much together all the time.

But something still seemed off. He hated eating around us and would go into another room to do it. I guess he wasn't comfortable yet. Some ghouls like to keep that kind of stuff private. But before Kageyama moved in we were all used to eating around each other.

One day when I was waiting for him to finish his shift at the Coffee shop I smelt a familiar scent from underneath his bed. I checked underneath and saw the packaging which we used to keep human flesh. It was still full. He hadn't been eating.

"Hinata." Kageyama walked in and saw me holding the package.
"You haven't been eating." I looked up at him and he walked out again slamming the door behind him.
"Kageyama wait!" I followed him into the back ally of the shop where he refused to look at me.

"You can't keep starving yourself!"
"Easy for you to say. You've never been human, for me eating that stuff is horrible. I can't bring myself to do it."
"The hungers going to kill you Kageyama."
"I can survive on coffee."
"No you can't." I looked over at him and he finally turned around. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worry."

"What if we ate together? Would that make you feel better?" He thought for a second and then nodded his head. He kissed me quickly and walked back inside.

Later that evening:

"You know sometimes I forget and start making myself food or something." He laughed but the tears were still falling down his cheeks.
"I dream about that night sometimes. Or something could remind me of it and I start re living it again."
I pulled him closer to me letting him cry into my shoulder. I didn't say anything back I just let him tell me everything he was feeling. He gripped my jumper and somehow managed to pull me even closer to him.

"Hinata, The girl who attacked me that night, was Koda right?
He didn't look up at me, his head was still buried in my shoulder.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Why?" He asked.

I didn't have the answer to his question. Let alone the words to say anything. It was clear he was exhausted and I didn't want him to deal with what I had to tell him just yet.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow." I tried to move away but he shook his head.
"I just wanna hold you." He squeezed me tight
"Okay." I smiled and held his head fiddling with his hair.

He fell asleep and I placed a blanket over him. I walked downstairs and told the others what was going on. We decided that once he had rested, we would explain everything to him.

(I wasn't going to put everyone in a relationship and stick to Kagehina but my multi shipper tendencies took over 🏃🏻)

Crows // Haikyuu x Tokyo ghoul crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now