Chapter 28

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Waking up was difficult, Izuku clawed and dragged his way back, relieved when he could finally feel his body again, even though it was in a lot more pain than he remembered.
'Batsu, what the hell did you do?'

He kept his eyes closed as he focused on his body. His arms stung like he had been attacked by a swarm of Hornets, his back ached in a way that was between 'able to be ignored' and 'this is starting to really hurt' and the rest of him felt like he had been run over.

*Not my fault this time, blame your temperature dial.*

'Shoto? What does he have to do with this?'

*Finally managed to get him to 'flame on'.*

'WHAT! Why would you do that? He has no control over his fire Batsu!'

*What better time to learn than under pressure?*

"Are you finally awake dear?" Izuku jumped at the voice that wasn't in his head and opened his eyes to see Recovery Girl sitting on a chair next to his bed.
"I-I'm ok I think?" The elderly woman smiled as she nodded her head before swiftly bonking him on the head with her syringe cane,
"Good! Now what the hell were you thinking young man? You are lucky your injuries didnt end up worse!"

Izuku chuckled nervously as he rubbed where he had been hit.

'I can blame you for this though.'

Batsu, smartly, didn't reply as the green haired boy expertly smoothed the woman's ruffled feathers.


Luckily he was released soon after waking up and he wasted no time in rushing back to the balcony.
'I hope Shoto is ok, he didn't mean to hurt me but I'm sure he's beating himself up for it.' Hurriedly he pushed open the door and blinked in shock.
'Or Kacchan is beating him up for it.'

Izuku leapt forwards and wrapped his arms around Katsuki's chest so he could wrench him from his spot kneeling over the prone body of Shoto.
"Kacchan stop!"
Before he could do anything the blonde spun around in Izuku's grip and pushed him back a few stumbling steps.
"Where the fuck Is Batsu?" He spat, eyes narrowed in anger as they glared into wide emerald orbs.

*I'm not fucking talking to him when he's like that!*

'Awww, little Batsu's scared.'

*I'm not fucking scared! I'm wary.*

It sounded like an excuse to Izuku but this time he was having none of it.

'You did this, deal with it.'

Without a second thought the green haired boy mentally 'fell' pushing his mind back and down, until he felt pleasantly numb and everything around him warped, like looking through rippled glass. His face became blank, distant as he rummaged through his mind, chasing the Alter until his mental grasp wrapped around it and threw him forwards.

*Fuck, fuck, fuck!*

Batsu dodged a fist, wincing when small explosions made his ear ring violently.
"Woah! Calm down asshole, you're gonna injure us if you aren't careful!" The blonde sneered, his eyes wild with anger.
"I don't give a fuck! What were you thinking dickwad? Huh?"
Batsu's eyes cautiously flicked around Katsuki's body, taking in his clenched fists and heaving shoulders.

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