Chapter 21

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Shouta was sitting in the teachers lounge, blissfully alone and nursing his sixth cup of coffee when his phone rang. Groaning in annoyance, he reached for it, dread filling him when he saw AllMight's name.
'Isn't he meant to be teaching the brats? Why would he call me?'

He knew. This was about his problem child. He answered the phone,
"What happened." There was a moment of silence before the strangely subdued number 1 Hero spoke.
"I'm not sure." His heart clenched in his chest, memories of the previous night running through his head,
"I'm on my way. Do not intervene or move close to him."
He barely waited for the other man to agree before he hung up and raced out of the door.

'What happened problem child?'
He dodged past students and teachers alike, ignoring their shock or questions, making it to the viewing room in record time. Pushing through the students, Shouta took in the scene being showed on the monitors. Katsuki was trying to get close to Izuku, backing up every now and then.

"Keep everyone in here, call back Iida and Uraraka. Todoroki, with me." AllMight nodded, bringing the walkie talkie to his mouth as Aizawa left. It didn't take them long to reach the boys, entering the room cautiously.
"Bakugou, report." His voice was harsh but relief still swarmed the normally angry boy's worried face as Shoto stalked to stand beside him.

"I dunno, he said he felt off before the lesson, said he could keep going. Like the fucking idiot I am, I let him." The man ignored the two boys, vaguely aware that the taller boy had pulled the blonde into a hug.

Izuku had calmed, muttering to himself as tears ran down his face, eyes glued to Katsuki. Crouching, he slowly made his way next to the boy, refraining from touching him.
"Izuku, can you hear me?" The muttering stopped, though he didn't move.
"Where are you?"
'I have to tread carefully here.'
The boy hiccuped, terror warping his face.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry, I d-didn't m-mean to!"
His pleads stabbed at Aizawa's heart,
"Izuku, look around you, she isn't here, you're safe. Breathe with me." He exaggerated his breathing noisily, nodding when his student copied him shakily.

Slowly Izuku came back to himself, unfurling as he became aware.
'Oh no. No, nonononono! Oh my god what the hell? How could I do that!' His eyes darted between the three biting his lip harsh enough to draw blood. 'Why does this keep happening to me? I just want to be normal, I don't want this!'

He scrambled to his feet, pushing Aizawa away and stumbling to the door. He ran. His eyes burned with tears as his feet slapped against the floor, his chest burning as he pushed his body to the limit.

'I'm such a screw up!'


A breathy laugh left his exhausted lungs, in some weird way he had missed the voices, they had been a part of him for so long and now he truly knew. Batsu never lied.

'You're right.'

*Of course I am. You never deserved them, they would be better off if you weren't here.*

His feet stopped, his eyes clearing to see he was in his dorm room.

*You know what to get.*

He didn't know until that moment, moving to pull out his bedside draw, fingers skimming the underneath to grab the taped blade.

*Now go.*

He ran again, clutching the blade in his hand tightly, ignoring the blood dripping off of his fingers. He needed to get away, needed a place no one would think to look for him.


'What's going on? Izu, what are! Don't do this!'

'I-it's ok Shin, I know what I need to do, I'm such a burden, everyone would be better off without me.'

He calmed as he ran up the stairs of UA, a realisation, a calm that told him he was doing the right thing. He flew through the door, panting as he took in the crisp air. The view was stunning. He could feel Shin banging on the barrier that separated them, screaming at him to stop but he couldn't. Even his own mind didn't understand.

He sat down on the lip of the building, his back against the low wall as he rolled up both of his sleeves, unraveling the bandages on his left.

'I should've written a note.'

'Izu, no, please don't do this! Think of how upset the people you are leaving behind will be! Aizawa, Katsuki, Shoto.'

'They would be upset for a little while, but they would get over it. They have each other.'

*Exactly, they don't care about you, they have each other and will probably get over our death within a few hours.*

'You're wrong! They have been there for us and care for us so much! This would absolutely devastate them!'

He ignored the words, ignored the pang in his chest when he did imagine their reactions. He couldn't falter, not now. He moved to press the razor to his wrist, watching as a bead of blood rose and fell in little rivers down the sides of his pale forearm.


He froze,
'Have they found me already?' Looking up, his body relaxed when he didn't recognise the boy.
"Leave me alone."

"Why would I do that? It's obvious what you're about to do." The deep monotone voice brought the tears back, making the greenette scoff at himself,
"Always crying-" he cut himself off, shaking his head to rid himself of the tears.
"You wanna talk?"

"Go away!" Batsu took over, thrusting Izuku back.
"I wasn't talking to you, leave."

Suddenly his head was his own, he could feel Batsu sulking but he made no move to talk or come forwards again.
"W-what was that?" The boy moved forwards, crouching just out of reach,

"My quirk. My name's Shinso Hitoshi, what's yours?"

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