Chapter 27

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Batsu's smirk was feral as he stood facing Shoto, his eyes screaming with violence. The dual haired boy noticed immediately,
"Batsu, where's Izuku?"

The green haired boy didn't reply, just keeping his eyes on his opponent as Midnight began the countdown.

On the mark Batsu instantly dodged, the expected ice flying past his left as he ran forwards, implementing some painful looking contortions to dodge the attacks thrown at him but his steps never faltered.
Heterocromatic eyes flew wide with surprise as Batsu moved within his guard, slamming his fist into Shoto's face and throwing him back.

"Is that all you've got? C'mon pretty boy, I know you can do better than that." To his annoyance Shoto was as calm as ever when he stood back up.
"What do you want Batsu?" The smaller boy's face screwed up in annoyance as he fell into a loose fighting stance.
"Shut the fuck up and fight me! Don't hold back!"

The refusal on Shoto's face made Batsu see red and charge, dodging the sloppy attacks easily and spinning into a kick that landed on Shoto's unguarded left side, instantly spinning to following up with a punch the ribs on the opposite side, knocking the air from his lungs.
"I said fight me! Why aren't you using your fire?"

Showing the first strong emotion in the fight Shoto snarled angrily,
"You know why! I refuse to use his quirk!"
Batsu snarled, his lip curling up in disgust.
"Pathetic, just how the fuck is it his quirk? He may have given it to you but it isn't his, asshole, it's yours just as much as your ice is!"
Without waiting for a reply Batsu pushed the advantage, transforming his right hand into a bear paw, the claws glinting dangerously as they swiped through the air and dug into Shoto's left shoulder,
"Not using your fire has left you at a disadvantage, this side is less guarded, more vulnerable."

The claws ripped from his shoulder with a spray of blood as Batsu jumped back to avoid the strong, but brief, flare of fire. He licked his lips in anticipation, green eyes blown wide with adrenaline.

When the fire disappeared Batsu threw himself forwards, sliding on the floor feet first and twisted onto his side between Shoto's legs, his hastily grown lizard tail wrapping around the dual haired boys right ankle and ripped it up with enough force to flip the boy over.

Shoto wasn't down for long, throwing bursts of fire and ice in quick succession. Batsu was a blur of movement, sliding from side to side as he dodged, his skin swiftly changing into a hard chitin and rubbery fat for the fire and ice respectively but he was being worn down, sweat rolling down his face as he gasped for breath.

*Shit, he isn't giving me any openings to get close! I need to end this soon or we're gonna fucking lose!*

Batsu's eyes flit around the arena, trying to figure out a plan but before he could a plume of fire was shot straight at him. His arms came up defensively as he formed the hardest, most heat proof chitin all over his body that he had ever created before.

He could still feel the heat, though he wasn't being burnt, his feet sliding back from the force of the flames, so gritting his teeth Batsu pushed back against the flames, screaming in exertion. It wasn't enough. He felt his feet lift off of the ground and for a moment time slowed down; he could feel every moment he was airborne, the flames dying enough for him to see Shoto's horrified face before his back slammed into the wall surrounding the arena with crushing force, his chitin cracking and shattering.

Everything went dark.

Deep in the boys subconscious, something stretched and opened its eyes.


Shouta Aizawa was normally a very calm man, almost apathetic most times but when Izuku was thrown from the ring with enough force he heard the crack of him hitting the wall all the way up in the commentators booth, he felt panic clawing at his insides.

He instantly stood from his chair, his dark eyes glued onto the small too still form.

'C'mon kid, get up.'
He watched as Todoroki ran over, looking as panicked as he felt, shouting for the medics to hurry up. His panic doubled as the unconscious boys quirk deactivated, leaving Izuku pale, broken and bleeding on the grass.
'Screw this.'

His body moved faster than it ever had before, his body screaming under his bandages but he didn't care, taking the steps down two at a time until he was sprinting through the tunnel and out onto the field. The medics were swarming around Izuku, Recovery Girl at the lead shooting off orders.

'I would just get in the way right now,' his gaze moved to the stricken fire and ice wielder, taking in the panicked eyes and lone tear that rolled down a pale cheek. The next thing he knew he had pulled Todoroki into a hug, rubbing the boys back as he sobbed,
"I-it's all my fault Aizawa-sensei! I-I didn't mean to, I swear!"

"Shh, it's ok, you're fine, Midoriya will be fine, you'll see." He turned the boy so he couldn't see Izuku being moved, his grip never once wavering. The boy looked bad, blood covered most of his body and Recovery Girl's drawn face didn't help the panic and fear clawing at Shouta's insides like a wild animal.

He met eyes with the short healer, who nodded imperceptibly, causing his shoulders to relax. It looked worse than it was, she was worried, but not majorly so.
"Come on, Let's get back to the others."

Todoroki didn't say a word, pulling away and keeping pace next to his teacher. Shouta was worried, his student had never used his fire before that day, (something he had been looking into and he was not happy with what he found), and he hadn't expected him to try at the sports festival of all places or he would've warned him.

Lacking control of quirks was dangerous and he thought Todoroki had known that. He shook his head,
'I shouldn't be too harsh on the boy, no doubt the problem child had something to do with it.'
He let out a suffering sigh as he lead Todoroki to the balcony assigned to his class and as he opened the door he felt as if he was forgetting something.

"Oi you fucking half'n'half bastard! What the FUCK were you THINKING!" Bakugou launched himself towards the door with his explosions, fist raised and face twisted into a snarl.

'Oh yeah.'

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