Chapter 18

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Shin followed Katsuki and Shoto, trusting them to lead them in the right direction, nothing was familiar, the two story house they walked up to even more so.

Now, Shin was confident, it was why they were made, but this was way out of even their comfort zone, their nerves stopping them at the gate.
"You comin or what?"
"Are you ok?"
Shin's smile was wobbly as they tried to reassure the two boys,
"I'm just nervous. Logically I know that Izuku knows and trusts Aizawa, but this will only be my second time meeting him."
Katsuki rolled his eyes in exasperation at the same time Shoto smiled reassuringly.
"You'll be ok Shin. Aizawa has been there for Izuku through most of what's been going on. He's the reason your away from your mum."

"Hope she fucking rots."

Shin's eyes widened in shock,
"W-wait, what happened to mum? Why would you want her to rot Kacchan?" The two boys shared an uneasy look.
"You should come inside. We can explain there."
The three boys entered, Shin looking around in curiosity. To the left was an open plan kitchen, in front was a  staircase and to their right was a large, spacious living room with a large cream sofa, dark brown coffee table and tv up on the wall next to the door.
They sat on the sofa, Shin looking between the boys as they patiently waited.
"Shin, your mum went to prison for child abuse."

Katsuki smacked Shoto's arm harshly,
"What the fuck? You can't just say shit like that, you have to-"

"Its ok." Shin smiled wearily, running their hands through their hair.
"I'm sorry if I upset you, I didn't know how else to say it." Shin let out a breathy laugh,
"I'm just happy he's safe now, y'know? I remember a few days- I mean, wow, a few years ago?" They continued when they recieved nods, "We were in middle school Kacchan and I remember being hurt but not knowing why. I guess I do now."

The silence was oppressive, Shin didn't like that.
"Hey, do any of you know where my room is? No? Well how about we raid the kitchen 'till Aizawa-sensei comes back?" They jumped up, grabbing both boys by the wrist and dragging them to the kitchen. Katsuki was all for it but Shoto was a little more reserved.

"He's going to kill us." He said matter of factly as he leant against the counter.

"Ah, you worry too much, if in doubt, blame it on Shin, he's new." Only Katsuki's bottom half was visible, his head in the fridge.

Shin chuckled as they opened random cupboards,
"Yeah, blame it on the new kid asshole. Why is there so much coffee in here?" Concerned, they pulled down one of the instant coffee jars, eyeing the nineteen left in there.
"Aizawa lives, breaths and shits coffee Deku, put it back or he will cut your fucking hand off."

Shin nervously put it back, making sure it was exactly as they had taken it, jumping when the front door opened.
"Who touched the coffee?"

Yelping, Shin spun Katsuki around to use as a sheild, drawing a confused look from his teacher, eyeing the amused boys as he shut the door behind him.
"What's up with problem child?"
Shoto shared a look with the blonde before nodding and taking a few steps forward,
"There's been a development, a new personality has come forward, that's why we're here and why we messaged you."

Sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, Shouta moved further into the room,
"Name, age, gender." Shin gulped and stepped out from behind the boy, spine straightening as he stared into intimidating black eyes unwavering.
"Shinrai, call me Shin, I guess I'm the same age as Izuku? I don't feel younger, and male I guess? I go by they/them."

'Can I come back now?'

"Finally! You're awake! Do you know how I struggled in class, sheesh!" The outburst made the others jump, watching as the greenette's face went blank, shoulders slumping into recognisable posture, green eyes blinking harshly.
"A-ah, s-sorry for t-that."
Katsuki grabbed his hand while Shoto rubbed his back,
"Its fine Izu, don't worry." The blonde just grunted in agreement, squeezing slightly.

"Ok, now you're back, all the children who don't live here, get out." Katsuki pulled the greenette to his chest, using a finger to tilt his head up and crushed their lips together hungrily. When he pulled away the other boy was dazed,
"Tch, see you tomorrow nerd."

'A-ah, wow, uh,'
Before he could compose himself, Izuku was spun, his lips meeting another pair in a much tamer kiss.
"See you tomorrow." Dazed green eyes watched the two as they left, not noticing the amused man watching him.
"Come on, lover boy, you can bunk here tonight so you can get your head on right."

Izuku sent the man a grateful smile.
"T-thank you A-Aizawa-Sensei, I feel really drained, c-could I go to sleep now? I-if that's o-ok I mean." Shouta nodded, speaking one last time before the boy left.
"Come to me if you feel off, yeah? I'll keep an ear out."

The greenette trudged up the stairs to his room.

'I'm glad Kiri will get a good nights sleep, I should be fine without him."
Flopping down onto his bed with a huff, Izuku scrubbed at his face.

'I shouldn't have to rely on someone else to keep me in control. I'll be fine. Oh, yeah, I should really clean these.'
Gripping at his arm, the boy left his room and entered the bathroom, locking the door. They looked bad, dried blood crusted around the ripped open edges, the skin around them being red, swollen and warm to touch.

'I-I couldn't even stop him.' He looked into his reflection,


His breath came faster, mind screaming at his locked muscles to move as he clenched the sides of the sink.


He shook his head, the tears building in his eyes made his nose burn,

'No he's not! Izuku, it's Shin, don't listen to him!'

*Fuck you, piss off!*

'I will not! You need to stop this!'

*I do not and I will not! You have no right to butt in!*

'No right? I have every right!'

*The hell you do! This is my purpose!*

'Find a new one!'

"Please," his voice was barely a whisper, his head was pounding as Batsu and Shin argued. His hands gripped his hair tightly, body curling defensively,
"Stop, shut up! Shut up!"

They didn't listen, arguing louder and making Izuku's head throb.
'It hurts! Stop shouting! Please shut up, shut up, shut up,'
His throat hurt from how loud he screamed, he had to make them stop, his mind felt like it was tearing apart. He could still hear them, they hadn't even noticed him. He tugged harshly, the sensation grounding him a little.

'Aizawa! I need Aizawa!'
He fumbled with the door before he remembered he locked it, fingers struggling to turn the little piece of metal.
"Kid? Kid talk to me, what's going on?"

His teachers voice made a hiccuping sob leave his throat, tears blurring his vision, Batsu and Shin finally noticed his distress, their voices clashing loudly in his mind.

*Tell him you're fine.*

"Ask for help.'

Their words swirled through his brain as he felt them both banging at the invisible barrier.
'What do I do, my head hurts so much I can't think!'

"Kid? Come on, I'm gonna break down this door if you don't answer me." Aizawa's voice was dripping with worry, the handle wiggling a few times.
"Why's the door locked? Izuku? If you're there, talk to me."

Finally the lock turned under his shaking fingers, the door being wrenched open instantly and he was pulled into warm arms.

Shouta glanced down at the sobbing boy in his embrace, silently cursing when he saw the shirtless boy's arms.
'Looks like he's scratched them in his panic.'

"I've got you kid, I've got you."

Izuku sobbed, gripping the shirt under his hands harshly,

"Help me."

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