Chapter 26

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Izuku groaned, flopping on the stadium seats that were a lot harder than they looked.

'Right, I came first in the obstacle course and fourth in the cavalry battle. That isn't bad, a lot better than I expected actually but now I have to go against Hitoshi. His quirk is difficult to get around but....Batsu, Shin if I accidentally speak could you take over?'

'Sure thing Izu! Hito won't know what 'hit-em' get it? Hito....hitem?"

The greenette rolled his eyes good naturedly as a groan left his lips, he had the worst jokes.

'Yeah, yeah, I get it Shin. Batsu?'

His relationship with the Alter had eased over time, finding himself pushed back randomly when the other wanted to talk to Shoto, coming back within 1-3 hours. He didn't mind, the talks stopped the insults.

*I guess I could.*

He would take that.

Soon enough it was time for his fight. He bounced from foot to foot as he shook his hands and rolled his shoulders.
'This probably won't be a physical fight as such, Hitoshi's been focusing on his quirk much more than strength.' He calmed his body and made his way out to the arena, blocking out as much of the cheering crowd as he could.

He came face to face with his smirking friend, eyeing his relaxed body language.
"Do your best Hitoshi!"
The purple haired teen laughed,
"Same to you, Izuku."
Midnight cracked her whip, silencing the crowd and beginning the match.

He didn't have to wait long.
"So, Izuku, you must really have a screw loose up there to think you could win this match don't you?" The insults washed off of him as he circled his friend, jabbing out a few tentative punches which were dodged easily.

'Hmm maybe he has trained his body more than I thought.'
The insults raised in their intensity as Shinso's desperation reached its peak.

"Why are those two even with a pathetic nobody like you?"

His body froze.
*The FUCK did he just say? How fucking DARE he! Only I can say shit like that!*
Suddenly he was an observer, watching as he charged, flinging punches the wide eyed boy struggled to dodge.
"Hit a nerve did I?"
Batsu spun, slamming his foot into Hitoshi's side, throwing him to the floor.
"I don't give a fuck what you say about us, but keep them out of it!"

Luckily the kick had broken Shinso's concentration.
"What? Am I wrong?"

"Of course you're wrong Hito! That's just bad form."
Shin frowned down at the boy, feeling satisfaction when he flinched.
'He knew how much of a low blow he was making. I'm disappointed.'

Shin didn't let up with his disappointed stare as he grabbed the confused boy by the back of his shirt and dragged him towards the line.
"NO, NO! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! THIS IS MY ONLY CHANCE! GET OFF!" He wriggled like a worm, clawing at Shin's hand which automatically released at the pain.
The distressed boy scrambled to his feet,
"You're so lucky! You have the perfect quirk for the Hero course! You haven't had to struggle, to fight for where you are now!"

Shin drew a sharp breath through his clenched teeth.
"You have no idea what we've been through! How we kicked and clawed our way up from the bottom to be here! How dare you!"
Izuku charged, shoving his shoulder into Hitoshi's chest, winding him again and pushing him back until he was a few inches away from the line.
"No fucking idea."
He grabbed the arm next to his face as he spun them, his back against the boy as he threw him over his shoulder.



Izuku managed to keep his composure until he was out of sight, the ground rushing to meet him as he fell to his knees, clutching his head as it throbbed.
'It feels like I've been wacked over the head by Cementoss, owwww.'
The rapid switching had caused a headache stronger than he had ever had before.


Hands were on his arms, pulling him upright and shaking him slightly. It took enormous effort but Izuku managed to crack open his eye, wincing at the bright light, to see a blurry blonde blob.
The grunt of acknowledgement made him relax, a whimper slipping through his lips,
"M'head, t-urts-o bad."

Everything went dark.


He came to slowly, his heart beating in his ears and feeling like he was on a boat.

"Izuku!" The greenette recognised his stoic boyfriend's voice, slowly turning his head to the sound, attempting to open his eyes,

"Don't speak, Just relax. You've been out for quite a while, Katsuki is fighting Uraraka right now, you've missed five fights."

"W-what? No way!" He scrambled to his feet, head spinning as he threw himself at the balcony. True to what Shoto had told him, Katsuki was fighting Uraraka, explosions being shot off left, right and centre.
"Take it slow Izuku, can you tell me what happened?"
Eyes still glued on the fight the greenette distractedly replied,
"Uh, yeah sure. We switched too fast is all and it gave us a migraine. Why are people booing him?" He forced his eyes to focus on Katsuki, seeing him fire off a huge blast.

'That's got to hurt! Oh, he won!'

'Did you have any doubt? It's obvious he's won.'

Izuku rolled his eyes,
"Well yeah, of course he won! Geeze, chill out.'

"You ready?" Shoto's voice pulled him out of his thoughts,
"Ready for what?"

*We're fighting Shoto fucknugget.*

Green eyes widened in shock,
"W-wait, I'm fighting you!"
Heterocromatic eyes narrowed in amusement as he made a hum of agreement. Izuku just stared for a moment.
"Well, I'm screwed."


*Let me fight him.*

The sudden words stopped Izuku mid stride.

'What? Why?'

*Just let me fucking fight him, I need to do something.*

His relationship with the Alter was better than before and if he thought about it it was kinda like his meeting with Shoto every now and again so he really couldn't see the problem.


With that he fully faded back, his gait changing to one more confident as Batsu took control. He smirked, pushing the others back behind the wall so they couldn't interfere, couldn't stop him.

*Watch out Shoto, I'm coming for you.*

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