Chapter 5

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Shouta Aizawa made his way home from his nightly patrol, yawning heavily. All he wanted to do is get home to Hizashi, eat a late dinner and sit on the sofa with his husband and cat. His daydream was cut short however when he heard a noise, a noise he recognised. There was an injured cat around here somewhere.

Without a second thought Shouta began his search.


'This was a bad idea.' Izuku couldn't move, his back had seized up, his head was pounding, matching his heartbeat. He heard a noise to his left just as a pair of boots entered his vision.
"Yomogi? It's ok," the man soothed, "It's ok. Let's get you taken care of little one." Izuku connected the dots before he passed out,


It looked looked bad, there was blood everywhere, which he paid no mind to as he carefully picked Yomogi up off of the floor. 'Luckily home isn't far, damn it, why are you always hurt?' He quickly arrived and shouted for Hizashi who came running.
"Shouta what's...Oh! Let me get the medkit!" Gently, he placed the cat on the kitchen counter and checked over his wounds. This wasn't the first time they had helped this cat, so they worked quickly and efficiently.

"What happened?"
Shouta shrugged as he cleaned the counter,
"I heard him on my way home and brought him back," he sent his husband a serious frown, "I recognised his cry. Do you remember Yomogi? It's him."

Hizashi's smile dimmed as he remembered.
"I remember, poor thing. Hey, didn't you say-!" Shouta quickly cut his husband off when he noticed the cat moving.
"Hey little one, we've patched you up as best we could!"


Izuku couldn't believe his rotten luck. 'Out of all people why did it have to be them!' He hissed as they moved closer, they had to stay away! His mind raced to find a solution, how could he get away? He spied a cat flap and made a mad dash for it, escaping back into the night, ignoring the shouts for him to come back.
'Phew, that was close! I have such rotten luck!'

When he was home he transformed back, gasping as his wounds stretched with his skin. Listening intently he figured his mother was asleep so crept into the bathroom. His back was easy to clean, a quick shower and bandages solved that but his face was another matter entirely. A raised and bleeding welt made it's way diagonally from the bridge of his nose, down under his eye and across his cheek where it stopped at his jaw.

'How am I going to hide this?' Panic rose inside him. 'Everyone is going to see! They are going to know!'

*No one can know!*

Izuku clutched at his head, 'I know! Stop!' He bandaged his face as well as he could before giving up. He did his best, he hoped no one would notice.

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