Chapter 6

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The morning arrived way too soon. Slowly getting out of his bed and dressing, Izuku was out the door without breakfast to avoid his mother. As he walked he checked the bandage on his face, wincing at the heat he could feel through it.
'I hope it isn't infected.'

"What the fuck is that Deku?"

The boy froze mid stride. 'Kacchan?'
Looking up he saw the explosive blonde staring at him, a strange look on his face.

*He can't know!*

Holding back his flinch Izuku smiled,
"What do you mean?" Internally he was beating himself up.
'What do you mean? What a stupid thing to say! I need to fix it!'
"O-oh, you mean this?" He gestured vaguely at his face, "Uh, Mum cleaned the floor and forgot to tell me, I slipped and bashed my face on the counter!"

'Please believe me!' His smile began to hurt and as time went on, he was getting a little desperate.

"Heh, so clumsy, you really are a Deku." Izuku let his head drop in relief, missing the concerned glance Bakugo shot him before he walked off.

'I just need to stick to that story and everything will be fine!'


Everything was not fine.

As soon as he had stepped into class he was ambushed by his classmates. He stuttered through his story, gaining more than one sceptical glance before they all settled into their seats. That wasn't the worst of it. When Aizawa-sensei came into class Izuku saw him freeze for a moment when his eyes landed on the greenette.

'Oh my gosh pleasepleaseplease don't!' His whole body seemed to relax when Aizawa-sensei didn't say anything. 'I can do this!'


"Midoriya, stay after class."

It was like a bucket of ice water had been poured on him. His heart began to race. It should be fine right? Just stick to the story! He smiled as he walked up to his Sensei.
"What's up Aizawa-sensei?" His teacher's stare became even more deadpan.
"We both know I'm not stupid enough to believe that story." His eyes seemed to bore into the young boy, "Plus the fact, last night I saved an injured green cat, which I have helped before and I'm pretty sure I've seen you shift one time." A black eyebrow rose,
"Then I see a green haired boy who happens to have the exact same injuries in my class who's quirk is to shape shift into different animals, green animals. Cut me some slack Midoriya."

Izuku flushed, looking away from his teacher and rubbing the back of his neck.

After a long pause Aizawa's gaze softened.
"Mid- Izuku, you can tell me what happened. I just want to help you." The greenette blinked rapidly, tears gathering in his eyes. He wanted to tell him. He wanted to so bad, but - *Don't you dare! You know you deserve the punishments! It's all your fault!* He found himself shaking his head,
"It was just an accident Aizawa-sensei." They both ignored Izuku's wobbly voice, Aizawa moving to kneel in front of the boy and make eye contact,

"Izuku I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened, this has been going on for years, you won't be in trouble, I promise, I just want to help you." The greenette lost the battle with his tears but continued to smile.
"It's fine Aizawa-sensei, I'm fine."

What neither of them noticed was a spikey blonde walking away, fists clenched at his sides.

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