Chapter 25

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Shoto held Katsuki back from charging inside,
"If you come in there with me, you need to stay quiet," mismatched eyes stared into red, "You can't get angry or loose your temper. Can you do that?"
The blonde hesitated, taking the time to think over the question.
"I can try."

"That's all I can ask of you. If you do start to get angry, please leave." Katsuki nodded, both of them taking a steadying breath before walking inside.

Batsu was leaning on the sink, watching them through the mirror.
"You said you know what I've been through."
Shoto nodded, leaning back against the door while making sure his posture and facial expression was open.
"I do, do you know who my father is?" The greenette shook his head, "My father is, was, the number two Hero, Endeavour. He wanted a child who could surpass AllMight and did whatever necessary to achieve that goal."

He paused, licking his lips as he dredged up memories he thought he had left behind,
"My brother and my sister were deemed 'failures', my eldest brother dying in my father's sick training." Pain clawed its way on to the normally stoic boys face, his voice tense, "That was when he turned his eyes to me. Day after day he would beat me, burn me. My mother tried to protect me but then she would be hit too."

Batsu turned, leaning back against the sink to watch the duel haired boy better.
"It must've been nice, for someone to at least try to protect you."

Shoto nodded, smiling weakly for a moment,
"Not for long, my mother had a mental breakdown, pouring boiling water on my face because my left side reminded her too much of him, but then panicked, I think she forgot that side is heat proof, and put ice on it, this scar is a frost burn. The next morning she was gone. He had put her in a mental hospital for daring to hurt his property."

Shaking his head, Shoto let go of the anger,
'It's over, calm down.'
"Being beaten became my new normal, waiting until the monster was gone before Fuyumi would rush in with the first aid kit, cold soba waiting for me on the table, Natsuo would be there to hold me, cheer me up."

His eyes were distant, stuck in the memory for a moment.
"Then the police arrived. I have no idea how they collected all the evidence. Photo's of my injuries, videos of training sessions through the window and a statement from mother. Apparently it was anonymous, someone just dropped the information to someone high up with a note, they went to the authorities."

Katsuki stepped forward from where he had been holding his anger back, hand falling onto the taller boys shoulder.
"What the fuck do you mean by anonymous? Who ever the fuck it was could've, should've got famous as shit from saving you! You should've been able to fucking thank them at least! You can't tell me they don't know!" Shoto shrugged,
"All they would tell me was that it was a man."

Mismatched eyes turned to stare into emerald orbs,
"The point of me telling you this is so you know you can come to me. I will understand. I will not judge. I will listen. As I said before, you are a part of Izuku, the boy I love, and I will be there for you."


Batsu didn't know what to feel.
*He understands. Truly understands what I've been through, the memories I harbour inside, festering like a forgotten wound.* Jealousy reared its ugly head, *How can he be so ok? How can he smile, laugh, love? How can he forget what happened to him and be happy!*

His face pulled into a snarl, the emotion bubbling inside of him making him leap forwards, hands wrapping around the boys slim neck as he pushed Shoto against the door. The taller boy's hand shot out, stopping Katsuki from intervening.
"How? How can you be so okay? How do I forget the memories like you? H-how can I b-be ok too?"

Tears he hadn't noticed building streamed down his face as his hands twitched, pulling away to ball into the boys shirt. He sobbed messily, forehead leaning against Shoto's chest as he released all the pain he had bottled up inside of him.
"This is a start. How can you move forwards if you hold onto the past? Let it go, it's ok to cry Batsu."

Katsuki came up behind them and wrapped his arms around them both as their love fell apart between them, but that was ok, they would help put him back together.


They stood there for a long time when there was suddenly a frantic knock on the door,
"Uh, dudes? I tried to give y'all your moment, really I did but I am absolutely busting!" The door opened to see a red faced Kirishima dancing in place,
"Oh thank god, outta my way please!"

They walked back to Izuku's room, Batsu observing the two boys with slight fondness.
*I guess I was wrong about them*

'I'm sorry, what was that?'

*Shut the fuck up Shin.*

Shin's laugh echoed in their mind,
"I tried to tell you Batsu, they really do care.'

A small smile, barely even there, curled on his face as he pulled back, pushing their host to the forefront,
*I'm still not ok but maybe I don't have to be. It's going to be hard but with them there, I can do this.*

"Uh, why am I out here? What happened?" Katsuki wrapped his arm around the boys neck, pulling him down as he rubbed his knuckles against his head,
"You should've been there, IcyHot had a fucking heart to heart with Batsu!"

Wide eyed the greenette peered up at Shoto from his bent over position,
"You did? Really? What happened?" The tall boy nodded and removed the blondes arm,
"Yes. We bonded over our pasts and I told him he could come to me whenever he wants. He seemed open to my help."

The greenette was amazed!
'Does this mean things will get better? I hope so!'

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