Chapter 26: Telling Everyone (Explicit)

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"W-Who?..." Emma stuttered asking for a second as she looked at Tom worriedly.

Tom sighed as he looked away with slight anger on his eyes. "Jade..." He muttered.

Emma's eyes grew with worried and concerned after hearing Jade's name on the letter. 

'Why would she invite us?' She asked herself worryingly. 'Is she trying to take away, Tom from me?... No Emma, don't ever go there you idiot, You're engage! stop saying that!'  She said herself Arguing in her thoughts.

"W-What does the invitation say?" She asked worriedly.

Tom sighed frustratingly as she looked at Emma with narrowing eyes. "Do you really want to know?" He almost said in a angrily manner.

Emma deeply exhale her breath, knowing Tom was just losing his cool due to Jade's invitation and it just irritates him so much of hearing it.

"I just wanna know..." She told him sarcastically.

Tom for a moment was thinking about it. 'Should I or Not?' He asked his himself...

He sighed deeply, finally making up his decision, deciding to get on with it. "Fine..." He muttered as he began discussing about the event. "She's holding up an golfing charity match on Wilson's Golf course on March 14 and that's on Sunday. And, she's inviting us to join this upcoming event." He finished while tapping his pen on the letter.

"Well that's great!" She said sarcastically. "I mean there's nothing wrong with it," She added.

Tom scratched his ear. "Yeah there's nothing wrong it," He sarcastically mocked, leaning against the chair, "But she has contended me to play against everybody, including his husband. WHICH is a professional golfer by the way..." He added sarcastically .

Emma couldn't help herself, but laugh.

Tom smirked, Spreading his arms. "What? Its true," as they slammed down in his sides.

Emma shook her head as she sat beside him. "I know..." She said calmly as she held his hands. "But for me? You've always been the best golfer to me. And no one can deny it,'re mine, Tom Felton..." Purring his name with honesty as she then pecked his lips.

"Is that so, Char? " He teased with a smirked.

Emma giggled as she pecked his lips once again. "Always..." She whispered softly.

Tom heaved deep sighed, deciding they would be attending it. "Fine," He said courageously with a warming smile.

Emma grinned excitedly, she finally got him to have some Gryffindor courage she proudly thought.

"But first..." He said, raising his index finger at her.

"What?" She asked curiously with a cute smile.

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